Emerging Future of Organizations, Communities and Humanity!

Facilitating change through the Transition Narrative towards Society 3.0 (Humanity 4.0)


Transition from surviving to sustainable development, from resilience building towards a thriving world in which humanity is inspired by & lives in balance & harmony with nature.

5P’s of sustainable thrivability

People – Planet – Progress – Purpose – Passion


INSPIRE people in HARMONY with the planet
for BALANCED progress towards
building communities that THRIVE!


Facilitate transformational changes in social values, resource needs and technological advancements, in which people, their capacities and human values matter and are central to the approach.

UNlearn to RElearn


= uniqueness + limitations
of self, team, company & extended enterprise to enable
collaboration, co-design and co-creation


Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many!


Learn from the changing world and share your change to the macro!
Learn how you can participate your contributive change at the micro!
We change the way we LIVE! We change the way of LIFE!
Thriving in the flow of Life! Ideas for Life! Soul of Life!

For humanity and communities

(self and your immediate environment)

From ME to WE,
from EGO to ECO,

Connecting the econological shift (following the sequence is essential)

  • spiritual connected: connection between self and self
  • social connected: connection between self and others
  • ecological connected: connection between self and nature

Encouraging entrepreneurship (social, community and/or commercial)


For organizations and extended enterprise

(corporates, institutions and their stakeholders – extended enterprise)

Adding the 2Ps: PASSION & PURPOSE
Think, act and lead without the box!

Transforming organizations and the extended enterprise to form lattice TEAL circles and working environments, which are agile, holistic and open.

Encouraging intrapreneurship (innovation, co-creation and agility)


How to ignore the box

  • apply lateral thinking techniques (TEAL – lattice circles & agile OD)
  • rethink situations as opportunities
  • connect the dots between creativity & innovation
  • walk the positive road – Learn to dream (Ai)
  • generate innovative opportunities aligned with your needs
  • promote intrapreneurship | encourage entrepreneurship

Lattice or TEAL organization forms take on worn-out corporate ladder inproductivity and adopt more agile ways to engage its people, processes and ultimately the extended enterprise in which a corporation operates.

Whole Systems Transformation is a journey!
Systemic change is required at all levels of our society!


Whole System Transformation modality (Sullivan Transformation Agents)

Some references in this emerging evolution

Otto Scharmer (Theory U & Presencing Institute)

We are collectively creating results nobody wants. That’s why leadership should help people to see the whole system. It is time to change our organizations and institutions, and bust three leadership myths.

3 visible divides:

The ecological divide: we currently use 1.5 times Planet Earth; that is our ecological footprint. This is the divide between self and nature.

The social divide: 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day. Here we see the divide between self and other.

The spiritual-cultural divide: people are excluded, experience lack of meaning and more and more feel depressed. The divide between self and Self. Capital Self represents your highest future potential that you may develop – what you are here for on Planet Earth.

Frederic Laloux (Reinventing Organizations)

If we define Tops, Middle, Bottoms, and Customers, not as static boxes on an org chart, but as relational spaces or contexts, then they are still very much present. People just flow and navigate between these different spaces, including within the same day. So, on one initiative I am leading it, and I am in a Top space. Another time, somebody else is leading and I am just following; I am the Bottom. And in another situation, I might be sort of the Middle, somebody else is really leading the big picture of it, but I am designing some elements; I am coordinating some stuff.

And what this brings I think, is an enormous relief for the Bottoms and the Middles, and also for the Tops! We tend to think that being Top is so great. We often underestimate the weight of the poor people at the Top of the organizations who constantly have to be Top, and can never relax into Bottom, where I can just follow. I will do my share, but I don’t need to be in a leadership position”.

Hierarchy isn’t abandoned at Teal; what is dismantled is the static form of hierarchy that is in the buttress of the org chart. The goal of self-management is not to make everyone equal, to have everyone having the same say on all the questions. It is really the opposite. It’s to have natural hierarchies, and to have lots of natural hierarchies.


The following illustrations may assist you in understanding the evolutionary transition of humanity and how we transform communities and organizations to adapt to the changing future:


Evolutionary breakthroughs in human collaboration


The evolution of organizational paradigms



Evolution from Change Management to Change Facilitation


Kotter 8 step change model

Stages of human evolution according to  Frederic Laloux and Otto Scharmer

Stages of human evolution according to Frederic Laloux and Otto Scharmer

The challenge response matrix

The challenge response matrix

Social Evolution Matrix

Social Evolution Matrix co-creative eco-systems

Paradigms of Economic Thought

Paradigms of Economic Thought: symptoms of systemic disconnects

Transformation process

From hierarchical control structure to ecological approach with whole systems transformation.

Theory U - Leading from the Emerging Future

Theory U – Leading from the Emerging Future



Biomimicry – applying nature’s principles

Further reading:

Reinventing Organizations
~ by Frederic Laloux

Leading from the Emerging Future
~ by Otto Scharmer

Perspectives on Teal: Laloux & Scharmer
~ by Michael Stern, Integral Alignment, for Enlivening Edge Magazine


Other sources of reference active in this transition:

Alexander Laszlo – Leadership and Systemic Innovation, International Society for the Systems Sciences
Anna Blume – Impact Journey – Creating the Future
Arthur Brock – Agile Learning Center
Bernard Lietaer – The Future of Money: Beyond Greed and Scarcity Rethinking Money, Complementary Currencies
Bert-Ola Bergstrand – SoCap – Living Bridges, LUSIC, Skoll Foundation
Charles Eisenstein – Sacred Economics
Dana Pearlman – Global Leadership Lab
Dave Snowden – Cognitive Edge
David Cooperrider – Appreciative Inquiry
David Eggleton – Applied Ecologics
David Hodgson – Global Leadership Lab
David Suzuki – Solutions are in our nature, interconnected and interdependent with nature.
Della Duncan and Robert Raymond – Economics for Transition
Edgar H. Schein – Humble Leadership, The Essence of Change: Brainwashing, Culture Evolution and Organizational Therapy
Ellen MacArthur – transition to a circular economy
Erwin Van Waeleghem – Teal-for-Teal, Tealpirator
Eugen Oetringer – Leading in a Complex Environment
George Pór – Enlivening Edge
Giles Hutchins – Future Fit, Illuzion of Separation, Cultivating Leadership
Giorgio Bertini – Learnign Change
Gunter Pauli – The Blue Economy, ZERI
Holger Nauheimer – Radical Inclusion, Change Facilitation
Irma Wilson – Social Innovation Europe, the Next Edge, FutureSharp
Jae Sabol – One Community
Jean Russell – Thrivable.org, Co-creation
Jeff Mowatt – People-Centered Economic Development
Jennifer Sertl – Agility3R, Strategy,Leadership and the Soul
Jeremiah Owyang – Collaborative Economy
Jeremy Rifkin – The Zero Marginal Cost Society, The Third Industrial Revolution
Johan Roels – Crucial Dialogues
John Elkington – Breakthrough Business Models
John Hagel – Deloitte Center for the Edge
John Kellden – ConversationLab
Kathryn Ananda – Positive Handprints, 5P’s of Thrivability
Katie Teague – Money and Life Movie
Kelly Teamey – Enlivened Learning
Kevin Parcell – The Reconomy Global Cooperative
Klaus Bravenboer – Biomimicry in Organizational System Design
Leif Edvinsson – New Club of Paris, Universal Networking Intellectual Capital
Marcella Bremer – Leadership Change
Mario Fleurinck – Digital transformation
Maureen Kelsey – Call2Change
Michael Reuben SternIntegral Alignment
Michel A. de Kemmeter – Otherways – UHDR
Michel Bouwens – P2P Foundation, Safe the World
Michelle Holliday – The Age of Thrivability, Thrivable World
Paul Polak – Design for the other 90%, iDEorg
Peter Senge – System Thinking, Society for Organizational Learning, The Fifth Discipline
Peter Vander Auwera – Sacred Spaces, InnoTribr
Rafael Staelens – Planetecova
Ralph Thurm – GISR – Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings, A|HEAD|, Embedding ThriveAbility
Robert ReichInequality for all, Saving Capitalism
Robin Lincoln Wood – Embedding ThriveAbility Foundation
Roland Sullivan – Whole Systems Transformation
Sarah van Gils – Syntony, Evolutionary Leadership
Stanislas Jourdan – basic income, Quantitative Easing
Steve Keen – Debunking Economocs, Debt Deflation, IDEAeconomics
Thomas Friedman – The World is Flat
Torben Rick – Organizational Culture Change
Yasuhiko Genku Kimura – Vision in Action

and many more.

Also @econolgics may be a good source for keeping up to date on the subject of our changing world.

Join the dialogue & participate with a circle of people making a difference growing from surviving to sustainable development, from resilience building towards a thriving world in which humanity is inspired by & lives in balance & harmony with nature.

We drive change for a better environment, life & future for generations to come.

@econologics unites people making a difference in our socio-economic & -political society. We share & brainstorm ideas & practices around new models from around the globe, exploring opportunities for collaboration to establish both public and corporate sustainability, resiliency and thrivability.

The group aims to advocate change to our global-2-glocal environment – from our smallest circle of family, friends, acquaintances to the professional circles & circles of influence we develop in this connected world.

@econologics – sustainable balance in our social & economic circle of life!


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Think, lead & act without the box!
Moving Knowledge & Solutions Forward!

For communities and entrepreneurs:
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econovateecoNOVATEcommunity driven innovation
Making communities & business human again!

The Teal-Evolutionary paradigm!

Frederick Laloux examines the evolution of human consciousness, explaining how Humanity invented a new, more productive organizational model every time when it shifted to a new stage.

Creativity and innovation in business seem to be more important than ever. Many companies are desperately seeking new ideas, trying to keep up while still applying a traditional organizational structure that has not been reviewed and changed for a long time.

It seems obvious that continuing to push for innovation without innovating the system itself is flogging a dead horse, but since this is the norm, we take it for granted that this is the only way. The well-known hierarchical, rule-based management style has its benefits and has worked well for a long time, but as the world is changing, it seems to have reached its limits and cannot serve us anymore.
It is time to realize that if we want to unleash human potential, we need to change the surroundings and provide the right conditions for those new ideas to thrive.

One of today’s disruptive trends is doing exactly that. A new organizational paradigm is emerging, turning our current concept of work and management upside down. This gamechanger that might transform the way we work is called “Teal”.

full story by Julia Marczi at

“By breaking the box we can empower people to get out of it!” – Frederick Laloux

Laloux Culture Model by Peter Green

Lean and Agile Adoption with the Laloux Culture Model by Peter Green

Teal organizations bring the following three breakthroughs:

  1. Self-management: assuming that people are trustworthy, good and accountable, and can deliver without being controlled all the time, Teal organizations work without (traditional) managers, dogmatic rules and policies. Project management is also radically simplified. Job titles are abolished and are replaced by roles that are picked up based on each individual’s talents, interests and skills.
  2. Wholeness: people are encouraged to show up at work with their whole personality, not just a professional, edited version of themselves. Being human, having doubts and emotions and making mistakes are OK. “Failure” is considered as an opportunity to learn.
  3. Evolutionary Purpose: instead of considering the organization as a mere vehicle for delivering management targets and maximizing shareholder profit,  it is seen as an organic, living entity with an ever-changing purpose. Teal organizations ask questions like: How can we serve the world best? How can we deliver real value? The organization and its members are actively listening all the time to this purpose, adjusting its activities to it, instead of following well-defined, detailed management plans.

Teal organizations as “complex adaptive systems”

An Evolutionary-Teal organization exhibits many properties of a Complex Adaptive System

  1. It has a purpose of its own, distinct from the purposes or objectives of its members,
  2. It consists of a number of elements (members or teams),
  3. The elements interact, in a non-linear way, to achieve the purpose of the system,
  4. The interaction and relationships between elements are based on a few simple rules or guiding principles,
  5. The nature of the relationships and number of interactions between the elements result in emergent behavior – the behavior of the system is not the sum of the behaviors of the elements,
  6. The elements produce and use signals and information (sensing) from both external and internal environments and react accordingly,
  7. There is no central control,
  8. The elements self-organize, that is, change the relationships between themselves to adapt to changes in the environment,
  9. The elements learn from history, and from the environment, and adapt accordingly to ensure the survival of the system.

Teal organizations are run by self-managing teams. These teams consists of workers who each fulfill certain roles, including functional and managerial duties. All decisions are made using a simple advice process and/or a conflict resolution process when appropriate. There is no centralized control. Values are no longer given perfunctory attention but are actually lived in how people behave in the organization. Everyone listens to the organization’s purpose and takes action accordingly while sensing for changes in the environment. Out of these collective actions, the behavior of the organization emerges.


more info on Frederic Laloux‘s Reinventing Organizations at:

Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many! People – Planet – Progress – Purpose – Passion

Follow the blog by @knowledgEnabler & @econologics and discover the 5P’s of sustainable thrivability.
knowledgEvolution – incisive knowledge converged

@econologics – sustainable balance in our social & economic circle of life!
ecoNVERGE – inspire ● balance ● harmony
Think, lead and act without the box!
We change the way we LIVE! – We change the way of LIFE!