[Social Media in corporate]: 8 reasons why Social Media fails in organisations! #mVILLAGE
– by Michelle Chuckles, State of Change

Clearly outlined recommendations on how to embrace and integrate social media in the corporate environment.

I encourage everyone to go through the full outline of the 3 blogs. The below is only a rough overview.


Part 1: No Strategy, Governance or Ownership

Growing in “how can social media be used within and across organisations to enhance collaboration and networking?” Some are even getting the idea of how to use it effectively to connect and collaborate with customers and suppliers.

No strategy
One of the biggest hurdles for many organisations is around the HOW? This fear of the unknown freezes many organisations into inaction or even outright banning of these tools.
The POST framework. This structure helps you keep the right priorities and order in the development of your strategy:
– People,
– Objectives,
– Strategy and then
– Tools.

No governance
The lack of understanding or belief in the myths around the governance of Social media creates many problems for organisations.

No ownership
So often the question of who should “own” Social Media in organisations comes up. I believe no one should own something as truly organic as the “socialness” of your people in the organisation.


Part 2- Business Requirements and Resourcing how to get it right

Don’t understand business requirements
If you want to minimise your risk of failure you need to collaborate and include your people, your customers and your suppliers/partners in finding out what the needs are that they have.

Don’t understand or provide resources – Many organisations heading down the Social Media path make the mistake of enabling the tools and thinking that old chestnut of “build it and they will come”.

Steps that you can use in your project/change plan include:
– Work with the people to set up the community/network,
– Educate and clarify for the community roles and responsibilities necessary in these communities and networks,
– Allow time for key staff members to establish, nurture and sustain the community
– Keep informing stakeholders and managing their expectations.


Part 3: no understanding of Culture, communities and Barriers

Fail to understand their culture:

Know that 70% of change initiatives fail ,we also know that if you bring in culture that figure rises to 90%. What that tells me is that we still don’t understand much about culture in organisations today.
tips to begin your inquiry include:
– Involving your people in the dialogue before, during & after,
– Research what they are already doing in this space,
– Don’t assume based on demographic data that it wont be relevant for them. Check out stats on these infographics about demographics.

Fail to nurture the communities

Key things that you can do
– Help them understand their needs,
– Help them explore what roles they may need in their community/network,
– Understand the resourcing that is really required and the allowing the time to achieve what is needed
– Help them find a social media solution that really meets their needs,

Fail to understand the Barriers – It is important that practitioners find ways to assist the leaders in our companies to see ways around the barriers and explore the possibilities of Social Media.

State of Change

Last week I was in Brisbane Australia having been invited to share insights that we have learnt in the development of our Social Media Field Guide Masterclass. I was invited to present to two different groups of practitioners whilst i was there, one was a group of HR and OD practitioners, the other a group of KM practitioners.

In each group there were a smattering of people who were fairly savvy on social media, the KM crew more so than the HR people.

Where I am starting to see the level of interest and need to know more growing in “how can social media be used within and across organisations to enhance collaboration and networking?” Some are even getting the idea of how to use it effectively to connect and collaborate with customers and suppliers.

One of the biggest hurdles for many organisations is around the HOW?  This fear of…

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