Emerging Future of Organizations, Communities and Humanity!

Facilitating change through the Transition Narrative towards Society 3.0 (Humanity 4.0)


Transition from surviving to sustainable development, from resilience building towards a thriving world in which humanity is inspired by & lives in balance & harmony with nature.

5P’s of sustainable thrivability

People – Planet – Progress – Purpose – Passion


INSPIRE people in HARMONY with the planet
for BALANCED progress towards
building communities that THRIVE!


Facilitate transformational changes in social values, resource needs and technological advancements, in which people, their capacities and human values matter and are central to the approach.

UNlearn to RElearn


= uniqueness + limitations
of self, team, company & extended enterprise to enable
collaboration, co-design and co-creation


Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many!


Learn from the changing world and share your change to the macro!
Learn how you can participate your contributive change at the micro!
We change the way we LIVE! We change the way of LIFE!
Thriving in the flow of Life! Ideas for Life! Soul of Life!

For humanity and communities

(self and your immediate environment)

From ME to WE,
from EGO to ECO,

Connecting the econological shift (following the sequence is essential)

  • spiritual connected: connection between self and self
  • social connected: connection between self and others
  • ecological connected: connection between self and nature

Encouraging entrepreneurship (social, community and/or commercial)


For organizations and extended enterprise

(corporates, institutions and their stakeholders – extended enterprise)

Adding the 2Ps: PASSION & PURPOSE
Think, act and lead without the box!

Transforming organizations and the extended enterprise to form lattice TEAL circles and working environments, which are agile, holistic and open.

Encouraging intrapreneurship (innovation, co-creation and agility)


How to ignore the box

  • apply lateral thinking techniques (TEAL – lattice circles & agile OD)
  • rethink situations as opportunities
  • connect the dots between creativity & innovation
  • walk the positive road – Learn to dream (Ai)
  • generate innovative opportunities aligned with your needs
  • promote intrapreneurship | encourage entrepreneurship

Lattice or TEAL organization forms take on worn-out corporate ladder inproductivity and adopt more agile ways to engage its people, processes and ultimately the extended enterprise in which a corporation operates.

Whole Systems Transformation is a journey!
Systemic change is required at all levels of our society!


Whole System Transformation modality (Sullivan Transformation Agents)

Some references in this emerging evolution

Otto Scharmer (Theory U & Presencing Institute)

We are collectively creating results nobody wants. That’s why leadership should help people to see the whole system. It is time to change our organizations and institutions, and bust three leadership myths.

3 visible divides:

The ecological divide: we currently use 1.5 times Planet Earth; that is our ecological footprint. This is the divide between self and nature.

The social divide: 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day. Here we see the divide between self and other.

The spiritual-cultural divide: people are excluded, experience lack of meaning and more and more feel depressed. The divide between self and Self. Capital Self represents your highest future potential that you may develop – what you are here for on Planet Earth.

Frederic Laloux (Reinventing Organizations)

If we define Tops, Middle, Bottoms, and Customers, not as static boxes on an org chart, but as relational spaces or contexts, then they are still very much present. People just flow and navigate between these different spaces, including within the same day. So, on one initiative I am leading it, and I am in a Top space. Another time, somebody else is leading and I am just following; I am the Bottom. And in another situation, I might be sort of the Middle, somebody else is really leading the big picture of it, but I am designing some elements; I am coordinating some stuff.

And what this brings I think, is an enormous relief for the Bottoms and the Middles, and also for the Tops! We tend to think that being Top is so great. We often underestimate the weight of the poor people at the Top of the organizations who constantly have to be Top, and can never relax into Bottom, where I can just follow. I will do my share, but I don’t need to be in a leadership position”.

Hierarchy isn’t abandoned at Teal; what is dismantled is the static form of hierarchy that is in the buttress of the org chart. The goal of self-management is not to make everyone equal, to have everyone having the same say on all the questions. It is really the opposite. It’s to have natural hierarchies, and to have lots of natural hierarchies.


The following illustrations may assist you in understanding the evolutionary transition of humanity and how we transform communities and organizations to adapt to the changing future:


Evolutionary breakthroughs in human collaboration


The evolution of organizational paradigms



Evolution from Change Management to Change Facilitation


Kotter 8 step change model

Stages of human evolution according to  Frederic Laloux and Otto Scharmer

Stages of human evolution according to Frederic Laloux and Otto Scharmer

The challenge response matrix

The challenge response matrix

Social Evolution Matrix

Social Evolution Matrix co-creative eco-systems

Paradigms of Economic Thought

Paradigms of Economic Thought: symptoms of systemic disconnects

Transformation process

From hierarchical control structure to ecological approach with whole systems transformation.

Theory U - Leading from the Emerging Future

Theory U – Leading from the Emerging Future



Biomimicry – applying nature’s principles

Further reading:

Reinventing Organizations
~ by Frederic Laloux

Leading from the Emerging Future
~ by Otto Scharmer

Perspectives on Teal: Laloux & Scharmer
~ by Michael Stern, Integral Alignment, for Enlivening Edge Magazine


Other sources of reference active in this transition:

Alexander Laszlo – Leadership and Systemic Innovation, International Society for the Systems Sciences
Anna Blume – Impact Journey – Creating the Future
Arthur Brock – Agile Learning Center
Bernard Lietaer – The Future of Money: Beyond Greed and Scarcity Rethinking Money, Complementary Currencies
Bert-Ola Bergstrand – SoCap – Living Bridges, LUSIC, Skoll Foundation
Charles Eisenstein – Sacred Economics
Dana Pearlman – Global Leadership Lab
Dave Snowden – Cognitive Edge
David Cooperrider – Appreciative Inquiry
David Eggleton – Applied Ecologics
David Hodgson – Global Leadership Lab
David Suzuki – Solutions are in our nature, interconnected and interdependent with nature.
Della Duncan and Robert Raymond – Economics for Transition
Edgar H. Schein – Humble Leadership, The Essence of Change: Brainwashing, Culture Evolution and Organizational Therapy
Ellen MacArthur – transition to a circular economy
Erwin Van Waeleghem – Teal-for-Teal, Tealpirator
Eugen Oetringer – Leading in a Complex Environment
George Pór – Enlivening Edge
Giles Hutchins – Future Fit, Illuzion of Separation, Cultivating Leadership
Giorgio Bertini – Learnign Change
Gunter Pauli – The Blue Economy, ZERI
Holger Nauheimer – Radical Inclusion, Change Facilitation
Irma Wilson – Social Innovation Europe, the Next Edge, FutureSharp
Jae Sabol – One Community
Jean Russell – Thrivable.org, Co-creation
Jeff Mowatt – People-Centered Economic Development
Jennifer Sertl – Agility3R, Strategy,Leadership and the Soul
Jeremiah Owyang – Collaborative Economy
Jeremy Rifkin – The Zero Marginal Cost Society, The Third Industrial Revolution
Johan Roels – Crucial Dialogues
John Elkington – Breakthrough Business Models
John Hagel – Deloitte Center for the Edge
John Kellden – ConversationLab
Kathryn Ananda – Positive Handprints, 5P’s of Thrivability
Katie Teague – Money and Life Movie
Kelly Teamey – Enlivened Learning
Kevin Parcell – The Reconomy Global Cooperative
Klaus Bravenboer – Biomimicry in Organizational System Design
Leif Edvinsson – New Club of Paris, Universal Networking Intellectual Capital
Marcella Bremer – Leadership Change
Mario Fleurinck – Digital transformation
Maureen Kelsey – Call2Change
Michael Reuben SternIntegral Alignment
Michel A. de Kemmeter – Otherways – UHDR
Michel Bouwens – P2P Foundation, Safe the World
Michelle Holliday – The Age of Thrivability, Thrivable World
Paul Polak – Design for the other 90%, iDEorg
Peter Senge – System Thinking, Society for Organizational Learning, The Fifth Discipline
Peter Vander Auwera – Sacred Spaces, InnoTribr
Rafael Staelens – Planetecova
Ralph Thurm – GISR – Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings, A|HEAD|, Embedding ThriveAbility
Robert ReichInequality for all, Saving Capitalism
Robin Lincoln Wood – Embedding ThriveAbility Foundation
Roland Sullivan – Whole Systems Transformation
Sarah van Gils – Syntony, Evolutionary Leadership
Stanislas Jourdan – basic income, Quantitative Easing
Steve Keen – Debunking Economocs, Debt Deflation, IDEAeconomics
Thomas Friedman – The World is Flat
Torben Rick – Organizational Culture Change
Yasuhiko Genku Kimura – Vision in Action

and many more.

Also @econolgics may be a good source for keeping up to date on the subject of our changing world.

Join the dialogue & participate with a circle of people making a difference growing from surviving to sustainable development, from resilience building towards a thriving world in which humanity is inspired by & lives in balance & harmony with nature.

We drive change for a better environment, life & future for generations to come.

@econologics unites people making a difference in our socio-economic & -political society. We share & brainstorm ideas & practices around new models from around the globe, exploring opportunities for collaboration to establish both public and corporate sustainability, resiliency and thrivability.

The group aims to advocate change to our global-2-glocal environment – from our smallest circle of family, friends, acquaintances to the professional circles & circles of influence we develop in this connected world.

@econologics – sustainable balance in our social & economic circle of life!


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We facilitate and cultivate change

For companies, teams and CXO levels:
Intrapreneurs coaching & branding/strategy for corporations

capixCAPix – expanding horizon
Think, lead & act without the box!
Moving Knowledge & Solutions Forward!

For communities and entrepreneurs:
Entrepreneurs & incubation coaching for the creativity sector

econovateecoNOVATEcommunity driven innovation
Making communities & business human again!

The Teal-Evolutionary paradigm!

Frederick Laloux examines the evolution of human consciousness, explaining how Humanity invented a new, more productive organizational model every time when it shifted to a new stage.

Creativity and innovation in business seem to be more important than ever. Many companies are desperately seeking new ideas, trying to keep up while still applying a traditional organizational structure that has not been reviewed and changed for a long time.

It seems obvious that continuing to push for innovation without innovating the system itself is flogging a dead horse, but since this is the norm, we take it for granted that this is the only way. The well-known hierarchical, rule-based management style has its benefits and has worked well for a long time, but as the world is changing, it seems to have reached its limits and cannot serve us anymore.
It is time to realize that if we want to unleash human potential, we need to change the surroundings and provide the right conditions for those new ideas to thrive.

One of today’s disruptive trends is doing exactly that. A new organizational paradigm is emerging, turning our current concept of work and management upside down. This gamechanger that might transform the way we work is called “Teal”.

full story by Julia Marczi at

“By breaking the box we can empower people to get out of it!” – Frederick Laloux

Laloux Culture Model by Peter Green

Lean and Agile Adoption with the Laloux Culture Model by Peter Green

Teal organizations bring the following three breakthroughs:

  1. Self-management: assuming that people are trustworthy, good and accountable, and can deliver without being controlled all the time, Teal organizations work without (traditional) managers, dogmatic rules and policies. Project management is also radically simplified. Job titles are abolished and are replaced by roles that are picked up based on each individual’s talents, interests and skills.
  2. Wholeness: people are encouraged to show up at work with their whole personality, not just a professional, edited version of themselves. Being human, having doubts and emotions and making mistakes are OK. “Failure” is considered as an opportunity to learn.
  3. Evolutionary Purpose: instead of considering the organization as a mere vehicle for delivering management targets and maximizing shareholder profit,  it is seen as an organic, living entity with an ever-changing purpose. Teal organizations ask questions like: How can we serve the world best? How can we deliver real value? The organization and its members are actively listening all the time to this purpose, adjusting its activities to it, instead of following well-defined, detailed management plans.

Teal organizations as “complex adaptive systems”

An Evolutionary-Teal organization exhibits many properties of a Complex Adaptive System

  1. It has a purpose of its own, distinct from the purposes or objectives of its members,
  2. It consists of a number of elements (members or teams),
  3. The elements interact, in a non-linear way, to achieve the purpose of the system,
  4. The interaction and relationships between elements are based on a few simple rules or guiding principles,
  5. The nature of the relationships and number of interactions between the elements result in emergent behavior – the behavior of the system is not the sum of the behaviors of the elements,
  6. The elements produce and use signals and information (sensing) from both external and internal environments and react accordingly,
  7. There is no central control,
  8. The elements self-organize, that is, change the relationships between themselves to adapt to changes in the environment,
  9. The elements learn from history, and from the environment, and adapt accordingly to ensure the survival of the system.

Teal organizations are run by self-managing teams. These teams consists of workers who each fulfill certain roles, including functional and managerial duties. All decisions are made using a simple advice process and/or a conflict resolution process when appropriate. There is no centralized control. Values are no longer given perfunctory attention but are actually lived in how people behave in the organization. Everyone listens to the organization’s purpose and takes action accordingly while sensing for changes in the environment. Out of these collective actions, the behavior of the organization emerges.


more info on Frederic Laloux‘s Reinventing Organizations at:

Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many! People – Planet – Progress – Purpose – Passion

Follow the blog by @knowledgEnabler & @econologics and discover the 5P’s of sustainable thrivability.
knowledgEvolution – incisive knowledge converged

@econologics – sustainable balance in our social & economic circle of life!
ecoNVERGE – inspire ● balance ● harmony
Think, lead and act without the box!
We change the way we LIVE! – We change the way of LIFE!

Whole Earth as Emergent Sentient Entity: Report Documentation.

Collaborative Evolution toward a Successful Future Civilisation

via Whole Earth as Emergent Sentient Entity: Report Documentation..

by Glistening Deepwater


Communication is a fundamental prerequisite for any collaborative endeavour. Communication is at its heart the exchange of information and this is ubiquitous to the manifest universe at all scales. It is through this exchange of information that life arises, continues to increase in complexity and evolve through stages of integration and divergence. 

ecoNOVATE – community driven innovation! INTRO – Dream-2-Destiny Journey

Cultivating Change! Do it with PASSION! 
econological inspired 
inspire people ● harmonize planet ● balance progress
Making communities & business human again! 
Promote entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, SMEs & cooperative communities! Building on your Dreams towards communities that THRIVE!
Building on your dreams towards communities that THRIVE!
Bringing a new dimension in makingcommunities & business human again!Promote entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, SMEs& cooperative communities!
Inspire people in harmony with the planet for balanced progress
towards building communities that THRIVE!
Strengthening, connecting and mobilizing people, resources and tools to enhance community values for better life & work balance, creating a vivacious environment in which participants contribute their share as community leaders of change and participate in collaborative efforts to advance solutions towards thriving communities
Providing mentorship, coaching and participation to build communities that thrive, promote entrepreneurship, SMEs & cooperative communities to widen and strengthen the middle-class
Extending our expertise in change facilitation to the corporate and public sector, enabling their teams to embrace new challenges and strategies in an ever changing world
from appreciating to creating (AI)
– Discover and walk the positive road
– Dream and imagine what could be
– Design what should be (ideal)
– Deliver what will be creating the future

ecoNOVATE inspires people, in harmony with the planet, for balanced progress, building on their dreams towards thriving communities!

Bringing a new dimension in making communities & business human again!

Promoting entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, SMEs & community cooperatives!


ecoNOVATE is an incubator platform for SMEs, start-ups and community cooperatives, geared to entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, social entrepreneurs and cooperative communities, providing the means to grow their potentials, creative innovation and effective leadership in moving from surviving to thriving within their targeted communities.

Through community engagement, mentoring, coaching and participation, we inspire and empower individuals to take an active role inrealizing solutions towards thriving communities, rather than merely complaining or being complacent about it. They contribute their share by participating in collaborative efforts to advance their community towards building a strong, healthy and economically secure society. We focus on orchestrating the ecosystems that facilitate collaboration, converge knowledge into practice and mobilize ecosystems driven by people’s capacity to do-design, co-create and co-develop, connecting participants in the ecosystem.

ecoNOVATE extends its role as a mobilizer in change facilitation to the corporate and public sectors, to connect and collaborate in order to unlock the collective knowledge of the ecosystems they represent or operate in, moving from competition to collaboration. ecoNOVATE enables their teams to embrace new challenges, become part of the transformation, rather than simply being impacted by it, migrate to and integrate to new socio-economic models, supply chain concepts and marketing strategies, including Whole Systems Transformation, Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Development. Providing winning strategies for companies and governments to adapt to and position themselves successfully for the future.


Enticing people, their PASSIONS & CAPACITIES

  • Leaders and community builders of tomorrow
  • Anyone with passion and/or skills to initiate entrepreneurship or community leadership & building
  • Enterprises embracing new socio-economic models and marketing strategies

Dream-2-Destiny Journey from appreciating to creating

  1. Discover and walk the positive road
  2. Dream and imagine what could be
  3. Design what should be (ideal)
  4. Deliver what will be creating the future

Adapting the MACRO to the MICRO (going glocal)

We are pioneering as ecoNOVATE, focusing on encouraging the creative capacity of communities towards the Tourism Sector, piloting in Cebu, elevating the potentials in the Visayas, later to be extended across the Philippines.

Future developments will reach out to other cities, countries and regions worldwide through compatible partnerships.



Visit and follow us on Social Media

Follow us on our journey in making a difference and join our community driven programs.

ecoNOVATE – community driven innovation!

Inspire people in harmony with the planet for balanced progress, building on your dreams towards thriving communities!

Bringing a new dimension in making communities & business human again!

Promoting entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, SMEs & community cooperatives!



@ ecoNOVATION – community based innovation!

Interactive CoP/Think-Tank by ecoNOVATE, around “ego-2-eco shift!”

Econological inspired – inspire people ● harmonize planet ● balance progress


  • ecological connected: connection between self and nature
  • social connected: connection between self and others
  • spiritual connected: connection between self and self

Visit and participate in the dialogue on our CoP/Think-tank around community based businesses and articles from around the globe on entrepreneurship and new socio-economic models that make communities and business human again at


an ecoNVERGE initiative – inspire ● balance ● harmony

Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many!

We change the way we LIVE! We change the way of LIFE!

Think, lead & act without the box! @ Econologics




Resilience over strength!

Principles for Open Innovation and Open Leadingship! 
– by Joi Ito, transcripted with a wealth of notes by Peter Vander Auwera
Diminishing cost of innovation makes those having the money behave a little bit better. Who is thinking about those ideas that don’t start small? Thinking about it as a community. This is less about empowering the individual, more about empowering the community.

Disruptive technologies and business models

Today, the majority of the start-ups in Silicon Valley no longer are tech companies. The ruthless new-borns are there to disrupt entire industries: it is rife with pioneers that are aiming to shake up the world of healthcare, medicine and many more.

In a brief address delivered at the MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference, Media Lab director Joi Ito proposed the "9 Principles" that will guide the Media Lab's work under his leadership.

In a brief address delivered at the MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference, Media Lab director Joi Ito proposed the “9 Principles” that will guide the Media Lab’s work under his leadership.

“What was new for me in this tour was the power shift towards “fan-base” and “peer-base”. And the difference between platform-thinking and peer-thinking.” – Peter Vander Auwera
All these companies are lean and on target using the latest sophisticated technology to drive the social physics deeper and deeper.. Shopping no eBay with pay pal can have item in hour now in Manhattan.. This is just the tip of iceberg… of this exponential movement into accelerating returns.
While many enterprises are hesitantly making their first moves into platform-thinking, trying to avoid the Uberization of their own business, we are already witnessing the appearance of full peer-to-peer networks, where the infrastructure and business frameworks are owned by the peers, by the commons.
The 9 principles of open innovation – by Joi Ito
  1. Disobedience over compliance
  2. Pull over push
  3. Compasses over maps
  4. Emergence over authority
  5. Learning over education
  6. Resilience over strength
  7. Systems over objects
  8. Risk over safety
  9. Practice over theory
The Uberization of Everything, and beyond - an evaluation by Peter Vander Auwera

The Uberization of Everything, and beyond – an evaluation by Peter Vander Auwera

Resilience over strength

In stead of bulk-up and resist failure, invest the same money on recovery and resilience. You tend to try to minimize failure, rather than trying to work on resilience. It’s also kind of a Zen thing too. If you are extremely present and ready for anything, your are in an extremely resilient state. And it you are not present, you are always focused on the future, or the past, you try to build up walls and trying to make sure that you don’t get choved. And it is hard when you are surrounded by other planners in an institution like this (Knite Foundation) you tend to focus on structure, strength versus resilience, the structure vs this bounciness. On the Internet, a lot of the pieces are very resilient, when you are in an institution that uses a lot of planning; it is hard to create that interface.
How to share knowledge?

The conference model is a great system. A lot of people have experimented with ways to try to share knowledge, but it seems to be one of the hardest problems because everybody has a day-job, they are very busy, and people are talking sort of different languages, and when you are face to face you can coordinate your language in real-time


How to you get people who are working on things coordinated?

At the Media Lab we have several approaches: we have this sort of big data, data mining, machine learning, predicting things through causalities and patterns vs something where people are more in charge and people are more active.


From authoritative to creative leadership

“The natural perspective of artists and designers — who thrive in ambiguity, fail productively, and rebound naturally — will be become more and more useful in leadership contexts.”

The chart was originally created for a workshop at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2009 and became the basis of ‘Redesigning Leadership’ written with Becky Bermont.

There are authoritative leaders and creative leaders everywhere — it’s not something wholly determined by industry, generation, or position. And every leader will need, on any given day, a little bit of both types of leadership.

‘Redesigning Leadership’ By John Maeda

‘Redesigning Leadership’ By John Maeda

Joi’s talk makes us reflect on the openness of innovation, Maeda adds the openness of leadingship.
See also:  “The End of Leadership”, by Peter Vander Auwera – on principles for Leadingship vs. Leadership
Leadingship vs Leadership Peter Vander Auwera

Leadingship vs Leadership Peter Vander Auwera

By granting power to people in gaining personal control and in becoming personally responsible for their actions, we are at the same time granting them real freedom to become true equals and fully human beings.

It is not difficult to understand that being an object of delegation and a recipient of giving (as a token of shared power), a person can naturally feel the humiliating bitterness engendered by being a powerless and subservient receiver and not having the authority in exercising personal freedom.

The result of this type of submissive role-behaviour, would possible entail the undermining of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-respect.

The most obvious flaw in the context of power concentration in the hands of persons in charge of others is the assumption that delegated responsibility is analogous to a commodity that can be shared among individuals or groups.


Awareness-based collective action leadership!

Collective Mindfulness: The Leader’s New Work! 
– by Otto Scharmer

Collective sleepwalking results in three deep divides that are the signature of our civilizational crisis today:
1. the ecological divide — the disconnect between self and nature (resulting in overuse of planet Earth’s finite resources — we are using 1.5 planets today);
2. the social divide — the disconnect between self and other (resulting in two societies: the 1 percent vs. the 99 percent); and
3. the spiritual divide — the disconnect between self and self (resulting in suicide now taking more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined).


Theory U -- Leading from the Emerging Future

Theory U — Leading from the Emerging Future


The Blind Spot

The root cause of our current economic and civilizational crisis is not Wall Street (although the decoupling of the financial and the real economy is a huge problem). It’s not infinite growth (although overusing earth’s finite resources is another enormous problem). It’s not Big Business or Big Government (although their disconnect from the real needs in our communities needs to be fixed). It’s also not leadership, governance, or ownership. The primary root cause is more fundamental than any of these structural issues or systemic disconnects.

Our current crisis originates between our ears: in our outdated paradigms of economic thought. It originates in the disconnect between our dominant models of economic thought (which gravitate around ego-system awareness, in which stakeholders maximize benefit only for themselves) and the collaboration imperatives of our global eco-system economy (in which stakeholders seek to improve the well-being of all, including themselves). We have an enormous disconnect between ego-system thinking and the eco-system reality.

What’s really needed is a deeper shift of consciousness. We need to care and act not just for ourselves and a few close partners, but in the interest of the entire eco-system in which economic activity takes place.

  • The Leader’s New Work: Bending the Beam of Observation 
  • Personal Transformation: From Me to We
  • Relational Transformation: From Ego to Eco
  • Institutional Transformation: From Silos to Collective Creativity
  • Building An Awareness Based Collective Leadership School

To support this ego to eco shift we need a new type of awareness-based collective action leadership school — a distributed platform that focuses on pioneering profound innovations by an approach that links and integrates all sectors (business, government, civil society), system levels (micro, macro, mundo) and all intelligences (head, heart, hand).

Rights of Nature and an Earth Community Economy!

Around the world, we are seeing the emergence of creative alternatives to destructive economic paradigms. The good news is what is healthy for an ecosystem is also good for people: key ingredients are localization and regionalism. The best economic and environmentally sound solutions are place-based, diverse according to region, and are responsive to local communities and social needs. Instead of fearing a transition to an Earth Community Economy, we can support and enjoy local organic food, vibrant local businesses, a healthy local economy, jobs with justice and the development of clean decentralized energy. I’m not talking about utopias, but rather regenerative, functional, local communities.

The “Rights of Nature” approach promotes a structure of law that recognizes that our living planet has rights of its own. If a Rights of Nature legal framework were implemented, activities that harm the ability of ecosystems and natural communities to thrive and naturally restore themselves, would be in legal violation of nature’s rights.

The Rights of Mother Earth framework recognizes the inherent meaning, sacredness, and value of the natural world: that which is not tradable or subject to commerce.

These rights along with respecting human rights are what being civil means.


“Our life-giving rivers, forests, and mountains are treated as property to be sold and consumed,” the author writes. “In our legal systems, because nature is property, it is invisible to courts.”

Countering the Market-Driven Economy:

All of these actions herald not simply a declaration of new rights in the traditional sense, but a new consciousness of the Earth as a living organism with which we as humans must coexist. In order to live in harmony with the Earth and to halt the most destructive aspects of our modern life, we need to advance a new economy based on the carrying capacity of our Earth and finite planetary boundaries. Recognizing that nature has rights can inform and help to legally re-enforce principles that counter a solely market-driven economy, thereby fostering a new sort of sustainable economy—an “Earth Community Economy,” if you will—based on respect for natural laws and governance systems that uphold the rights and needs of nature in balance with the rights and needs of humans.

This way of thinking globally takes into account and includes the entirety of the Earth Community: human communities together with ecosystem communities of river, forest, desert, ocean, mountain—and all that those imply. There is room for growth of understanding as well as the health and prosperity of each community over time, if we act without further delay.

A Framework to Support Human Well-Being:

Rights of Nature legislation will encourage the formulation and implementation of new economic structures and indicators such as Gross National Happiness, Genuine Progress Indicator, Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, and others that do not rely upon GDP as the only true or acceptable metric. We must question defining worth, wealth, value, and well-being based on only the measuring of money and quantities of material goods. The vital force of life itself and human happiness cannot be forced into a monetary system; they do not equate. In the language of the “new bottom line” put forward by the Network of Spiritual Progressives in its mission statement, we are called to evaluate our social and economic institutions “not only to the extent that they maximize money and power, but also by how much they maximize love and caring, ethical and ecological sensitivity, and our capacity to respond with awe and wonder at the grandeur of creation.”

At the core of our global societal and environmental crises is a need to change our fundamental personal values and what we uphold as meaningful in our lives. When we honestly look at the level of systemic change now required to meet the urgency of our time, we can see that personal transformation and changing how we are living on the earth is critical to mitigating our global crises.

Working Toward an “Earth Community Economy”:

We must change the way we think about what an economy is for, and how we measure it. Today, we measure economic well-being using flawed instruments such as the GDP. Yet even the generation and dumping of toxic waste is part of the GDP—a wildly inaccurate measure of progress. We must begin to develop new metrics like the Gross National Happiness Index, which assesses economic performance based on the health and well-being of people living in balance with each other and nature.

Cultures living close to the Earth have shown a balanced way of life quite unlike newer, consumer-driven notions of simply having more. “Living well” in the Kichwa language of the Indigenous people of Ecuador, is called sumak kawsay; in Spanish, it is buen vivir. The Buryat people of the Lake Baikal region express it this way: “To live a life of honor is to live with tegsh,” meaning to live in appreciation and balance with all of life. An Earth Community Economy envisions a future that has not come from enslaving Nature and treating all other life as mere resources for human exploitation and unchecked material growth.

While a Rights of Nature framework does not solve all of our daunting problems, it does offer a foundation upon which healthy economic principles and sustainability can be built. Advocating for a systemic economic alternative that balances the rights of human communities with the rights of ecosystems should be at the heart of all international sustainable development and climate negotiations. As we look to completely transform our responsibilities and relationship with the natural world, this Earth Community Economy based on Rights of Nature is an idea and a necessity whose time is now.


Learn to be Nelson Mandela!

Find Your Inner Mandela: A Tribute and Call to Action!


HBR – Find Your Inner Mandela: A Tribute and Call to Action


Don’t just mourn Nelson Mandela. Learn to be Nelson Mandela.
He was the consummate turnaround leader.




He knew that he was an icon and shaped a culture for others. His goal was to change behavior, not only laws. The head of what was then Daimler Chrysler South Africa, who had returned to his native South Africa after apartheid ended, motivated a hostile, unproductive black work force by engaging with them in their dream of building a Mercedes for Mandela. This was all about culture, not about financial incentives. People raised their aspirations because Mandela encouraged them.

He also understood the power of forgiveness. Despite 27 years in prison, he emerged with his sense of justice intact — but no discernible bitterness. He maintained his faith in people no matter what, that people would come right in the end, he said.




Mandela’s legacy is larger than racial justice and more widespread than his country or continent. His legacy lies in the lessons about leadership he left for all of us. We can pay tribute by channeling him: Discouraged because things don’t break your way? Consider Mandela’s 27 years in prison. Unwilling to give up the perqs of power? Recall Mandela’s no-more-than-five-years promise. Tempted to crush the competition, eviscerate enemies, or publicly humiliate those who make mistakes? Find your inner Mandela, forgive, and move on.




Getting out of our comfort zone … or there will be no comfort soon!

This blog is based on a presentation by Prof Stephane Garelli, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook author

There is no doubt that the world is upside down!
The name of the game is the world as we know it is broken!

Discovering the “New Normal” and mastering a “New Reality” are the key success factors for the future. Markets are changing quickly and opportunities emerge everywhere. New players and new brands enter the world economy at a faster rate. Competent people are not necessarily competitive people. The mind-set makes the difference at a national and an organizational level.


A Competitiveness Outlook for 2013 and beyond! Orchestrating winning performance!

This video analyses how governments and their priorities shape our economic and business environment, investigates how companies adapt their business model and increase their resilience in a world which is still global but increasingly fragmented and explores what are the management competencies and the personal skills which lead to success in this brave new world.







Notes by ecoNVERGE: 

The main word showing up: “debt” – is keeping us from thriving! It is not the zero-growth phenomena. That is only a result of the debt-mountain we keep carrying forward!

But the main issue is that we keep on focusing on the sovereign debt, not the private debt!



Taxing the people more is therefore no solution! The international organized conglomerates have created tax heavens where no global entity exists to coop with the real tax-avation … The western financial structure has failed itself! So where do we need to focus on? Obviously clear, but no actions are taken, except for the thousands of additional local and regional rules, which are not making affect to the base root of the problem!



So we need a true game changer! We need to come out of our comfort zone, or there will be no comfort soon!



Rather than the west dictating how to grow the middle class in Asia and Africa to become consumer-like societies, we better give the example that it is only a short lived illusion. We need to give the example that we need to grow towards a different society, rather than trying to gain from the booming Asian and African markets.



We can no longer outsource our mess to the developing world! We need to clean up in our own garden first!




The trends from the industrialized world towards diminishing employment due to further innovation and automation is a clear indication that GDP and unemployment figures are no longer valid in our global society … Why keep on wasting our time focusing on the wrong incentives for society to thrive!



The world has gone truly upside down! Where the West has been claiming to manage and contribute / share their wealth with the developing and 3rd world for the past centennial, now they are being hunted by their own debt mountain, having stopped all so-called growth and not knowing how to handle the situation. The chaos is evolving… We may be on the right track, unfortunately for the short term, towards thriving for future generations. We are heading into the Transition Narrative.




Relative to the oil dependent driven old economy, developed by the Western capitalist world, there is only one remedy:
STOP 90% of the oil-driven energy requirements, replacing by RE-mix!
Germany is proving it, so the world can do it in a timeframe of 5 to 10 years.
We don’t need and don’t have another 50 years to adjust!



We can thrive and turn our society into a sustainable one for generations to come. the only thing we need now is the GUTS to make it happen, NOW! along the way of the Transition Narrative, accept uncertainties, abuses, chaos, … but it is the only way forward!


We need a new type of leadership to make it happen and make time to implement the necessary changes at global level
BUILD the NEW, not keeping the old alive for sake of the 1%!


As Garelli states:
The key to success is in bringing the management of efficiency, change and complexity to the ‘why not’-mindset and even dear to bring ‘why not NOW’ and ‘why not ME’ – engaging in commitment, so that WE can thrive again!

Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many!
ecoNVERGE – Inspire ● Harmony ● Balance
WE can make a difference! WE are Unlimited!

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@ Econologics – Sustainable Balance in Our Social & Economic Circle of Life!

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Let go to gain more! Access is more important than ownership!

The Collaborative Economy for Corporations! 

– by Jeremiah Owyang, Partner at Altimeter Group
Click on the image below to access the full presentation on Slideshare


leaving behind old business models

The sharing economy revolution is unstoppable!


What companies must do when customers share, rather than buy…

The challenges, examples, causes and recommendations for corporations to adopt the Collaborative Economy.


Don't fight the sharing-economy, embrace it and identify its opportunities.

Don’t fight the sharing-economy, embrace it and identify its opportunities.


Ownership and access is shared between corporations, start-ups and consumers!

The sharing economy revolution is unstoppable!

Activate idle resources!


Imagine collaboration! Embrace the stakeholders!

Imagine collaboration! Embrace the stakeholders!


Challenge the way we think.

  • products become services
  • services become marketplaces
  • marketplaces build your products


Don’t fight the sharing-economy, embrace it and identify its opportunities.

  • Companies must change the relationship and offer renting, subscribing and event lending
  • Motivate a marketplace through collaboration and guidance, enabling or keeping the brand trust
  • Activate the value chain in the collaborative economy to enable market for your future products, empowering the crowds to build these products and services (co-producing)


Activate idle resources!

Activate idle resources!


Potentially, providing a marketplace in the collaborative economy: co-ideating, co-designing, co-funding, co-building, co-development, co-customizing, co-creation, co-distribution, co-storage, co-deliver, co-marketing, co-selling, co-revenue, …


This way the market becomes employee (kind-of), supplier, designer, client, … true stakeholder to be reckoned with, which in turn reduces the cost for the company. Thus the crowd becomes the company, fulfilling almost all of the corporate functions.


The challenges we may expect!

The challenges we may expect!



  • companies want to keep control
  • challenged revenue models
  • governments, lobbyists and instituions oppose
  • fragmented start-up environment creates confusion
  • excess start-up creates uncertainty – which ones will last


The only way is to let go to gain more!

The only way is to let go to gain more!


Benefits for letting go!

  • more efficient as the crowds is helping in the process from R&D to go to market
  • long term relationship – bonding – with vested customers and markets
  • new value created between people = new revenues
  • if you act now, you have first-mover advantage
  • new business transactions
  • selling new value-added services


To gain this new economy and market, you must leap across, leaving behind old business models!



Who is who at Big Brother? Do we care!

15 reasons why Big Brother already lost his “new world order”

– by Michel de Kemmeter, UHDR UniverseCity


We are in the middle of “the last battle” between good and bad. Between Big Brother and the humble, between machine and humanity…

But now, 2013, I pretend big brother has lost the war. We are over the tipping point.

Why ?

1. Demography and “Generation Z” tsunami: The « old school » were very powerful business, political and lobbies – I say guys because if they were women the whole picture would be very different – they are now close to retirement age, if not way over. Succession is not guaranteed. Lots of Gen X and Y have gone through ordeals of life, mid-life crisis and so on, and have done a detour through personal development and a search for purpose and meaning. They are waiting for « the old generations » to leave, so they can build a truly new sustainable human added value world. This will mark history, whether we want it or not, whether it pleases us or not.

2. SME’s much more are in charge now: they are 99% of the employers. Their survival instinct is stronger than any attempt to globally control people. Big corp has shown their vulnerability, incapable of entering new agile business models through smart and systemic innovation.

3. Internet – social networks – public opinion: What the new world order people did not expect, is the power of interconnectedness, what it would carry as collective consciousness raise, awareness and information.

4. Topping economies – Volatility – Vulnerability of currencies: Our debt-based consumption economy has reached a glass ceiling. It can only survive with 2.25% growth. We are very far away from it, and western states are cheating on the figures to fake continuity. Ecological disasters, recessions, currencies floating on hot air, are just a few consequences of this obsolete model.

5. Resources peaking: The big corporate managing extraction have protected their shops by manipulating governments, public opinions, through billions of lobby, bribery and wars. Rare minerals, fossile fuels, wood and fishery, and all other exhausted natural resources ALL have alternatives waiting to emerge. They were pushed under the carpet in numerous dirty ways. “They” even have been dreaming about speculating on the oil barrel price to over 400$ by controlling all the resources of their « friends », but they have lost the game. It would have been the biggest robbery in history. Now time has come for truly sustainable alternatives to exist. Whether « they » want it or not.

6. Hyper-regulation, inertia and burnout of supra-national organisations

7. People move: manage diversity – enriching education about different cultures

8. Stress and psychological distress: The vortex of life has accelerated so much that people cannot stand it anymore. Information travelling at speed of light, time spend in traffic jams, pressure for results, austerity. Normal rythms of life have been trespassed.

9. Complexity & Risk: Another funny phenomenon is that our structured linear 2D industrial capitalist debt-based ego-driven world has opened to 3D interconnectedness. But a consequence of that is a fantastic complexity; everything is connected to everything in a systemic way.

10. A liability is an opportunity: manipulation and provoking conflicts leads to inventing new solutions: They kind of forgot their basics of financial analysis. A problem, a need, a liability on the right side of a balance sheet, is considered as a resource balancing the assets. The monkey business ran by the « big guys », in collaboration with international politics and big corp, is pushing people to find new creative solutions. To survive!

11. Immaterial value = human value = over 250 trillion euros of potential: New value streams are invisible. Knowledge, information, communication, relations, diversity, service and social value, new processes and methodologies,… these all cannot be grasped. They are all carried by people who want to progress and learn, and also even who want to survive. « They » cannot grasp all these and thus cannot control them. It is scientifically proven that purpose is the highest motivator of a human being. It gives energy to go through fire. Well, opportunities to find purpose in a world full of challenges will emerge by millions, driving all these people on their personal quest – blowing away any attempt to control them. Yes, the new world order will have a hard time…

12. Blindness for emerging businesses: Western countries are entering long term recession. Emerging economies are slowing down. Dictatorships are being transformed bottom-up. While « they » are trying to recuperate lost causes, day after day, smart people (esp. young people because the old are way too afraid for that) are learning, experimenting, finding alternatives to old fashioned big corporate solutions. These people are humble and work in silence. They don’t make high waves. Like the forest grows.

13. Collective consciousness: So for us it just means: go on with your personal development, team up with others in meaningful projects, contribute to common good, create multiple value streams radiate around you love and light as well as connecting to your pragmatic roots, penetrating mother earth.

14. War for talent: War for sustainable talent will be harder every day to serve new world order. Even their own next generations are questioning family values, and go on their personal quests to serve common good.

15. Law of the market: pension funds are shifting their investments from big corporate to impact investing. It has been proven that impact investing pays better, sustainability pays better, responsible behaviour pays better, investing in human capital has huge ROI. Well, if those old boys walk away from them, they quickly will be left alone. No regrets.


What does this mean for us?

We will be less and less dependent on « them », being the welfare state, big corporate for lifetime jobs, from powerful political parties and lobbies. They will have no control any more over our lives, and thus we’ll have to :

  • be more independent, developing autonomy
  • learn every day about new technologies, understandings, societal models
  • be more « human », offer purpose and mobilize around projects creating human progress
  • get out of your comfort zone; put yourself in danger to explore new dimensions of your life and of the world
  • Don’t believe people – even with a nice speech – who are in ego-trips. There are several notorious cases of “new paradigm” ego gurus or supposed facilitators surfing on just another hype wave. Follow your intuition, your heart. Because they could enrol you into a new world order with another hat…
  • Together, let’s make this new world order the “old world order” and push it into our humanity’s archives of history.

~ by Michel de Kemmeter


The Transition Narrative – It’s an exciting world we are living in!

From Money & Life interview with evolution biologist and futurist Elisabet Sahtouris


“Why do you stay in your prison, while the door is so wide open!” – Elisabet Sahtouris

We are living in a huge choice era!

Think global, act local – glocal approach!


In her unique approach, called “Living Systems Design,” she applies the principles of biology and evolution to organizational development so that organizations may become more functional, healthy living systems, with increased resilience, stability, and cooperation. She wrote “Earth Dance: Living Systems in Evolution.”


Ecology and Economy are both household terms (Greek roots), where as economy relates to the rules of the household and ecology relates to the organization of the household. Therefore they should never be separated as they should go hand in hand.


Nature has millions of years of experience of its closed loop ecosystem. Our economics has to be adapted to that valuable non-waste, learning from the science of nature.


Elisabet demonstrates clearly how economics and financial systems can equally balance as would nature and our own body balance its evolution through constant cooperation and collaboration, sometimes competition. However that competition turns into negotiation, turning competition in friendly creativity.


Taking people and nations to the level of cooperation and collaboration is our true task in human evolution.

The internet is the largest living entity – not of a combination of computers, but of people driving the content and the collaborative dialogue and knowledge sharing.

The transition to a mature collaborative society is happening like the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, into a total new society, going through a harsh transition (crisises and chaos).


This transition is essential, though frightening, we have the capacity to transform. Humanity will get through that evolution becoming more and more cooperative and create a new human society with different approaches to economics.


There is a lot of work, starting with unlearning and learning new ways of how we live, work and consume. Mainly the Western world needs to adapt, away from our developed mis-values and lacking education about resilience building and creativity during crisis and chaos.


Each individual has to take their responsibility up and act within that transition narrative, rolling-up your sleeves and engaging with local communities and making more use of arriving advanced technologies.

We can also learn from inventive ancient ways of how to withstand the impossible!

Even our democracy system should go back to its roots: for example choosing leaders through wisdom.

We have to create economics that serve the well-being of all people and creatures on earth, through being more pro-active and adjust our education system.

We need to go to a gifted economy using gifted currency, in which we value each other and our gifts we offer in building the new phase in humanity. We are building it but we are limited because we still deal with the debt-based economy. This is part of the Transition Narrative, but it is up to the new generations to fasten the process, using their new ways of doing things through the experience we are building today in the new socio-economic models.


Money and life by Katie Teague


We can make the Transition Narrative happen through building an economy based on motivation and our capacities, not on debt! A community owned economy based on relationships – a living system!


Climate change poses highly uncertain but potentially destabilizing costs on society!

Green Economy Macroeconomic Model and Accounts (GEMMA) framework.

One of the most important challenges facing economics today is the need for economic activity to remain within ecological limits. The rising threat of climate change, alarming losses in biodiversity and emerging scarcities in essential natural resources all represent a significant threat to the integrity of ecological systems and all who depend on them. They also threaten the stability of economic systems.

Developing a demographic sub-model and an Input-Output Structure for the Green Economy Macro-Model and Accounts (GEMMA) Framework

From the original article “Developing an Ecological Macroeconomics!” by Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)



a stock-flow consistent financial framework within GEMMA. This framework is an essential prerequisite for answering the difficult questions about financial viability raised by the investment needs of the transition to a green economy.


Climate change poses highly uncertain but potentially destabilizing costs on society. The cost of not acting against climate change could be equivalent to losing between five and 20 percent of GDP each year, indefinitely, according to the influential Stern Review. But the costs of addressing climate change are not inconsequential either. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the transition away from fossil fuels will require additional investment of at least US$11 trillion between now and 2030. Meeting climate change targets could render existing fossil fuel investments “stranded assets,” essentially worthless in financial terms. Some fund managers are already beginning to exclude such holdings from their portfolios.

Responding to the dilemma of remaining within ecological limits in a growth-based society has often been construed primarily as a microeconomic task — one that governments can address with conventional fiscal instruments of tax and subsidy. The “external” costs associated with environmental and social factors should be “internalized” in market prices, according to familiar axioms. Incorporating “shadow prices” for environmental goods into market prices will send a clear signal to consumers and investors about the real costs of resource consumption and ecological damage, and incentivize investment in alternatives, according to this conventional wisdom.

But this prescription has been hard to implement over the last few decades. Even before the crisis, it proved difficult either to forge agreement on fiscal measures to internalize environmental costs or indeed to stimulate appropriate levels of private investment in alternative technologies. The financial crisis has certainly made both of these tasks harder. Despite an early focus on “green stimulus” as a way of invigorating the global economy, subsequent responses have failed consistently to address the ecological challenges.

Fears of damaging economic growth have led politicians to shy away from both ecological taxation and green investment. In fact, fragile private and public sector balance sheets have slowed down investment in the real economy generally, let alone the additional (and less familiar) investment needed to make a transition to a low-carbon economy. Conventional responses have focussed instead on cutting public spending (austerity) and stimulating consumption growth (consumer spending) as the basis for economic recovery. Unfortunately, these responses tend to ignore the structural problems of the conventional paradigm and delay the investment needed in the green economy.

Climate change poses highly uncertain but potentially destabilizing costs on society.
The scale and nature of this dilemma suggest that the combined challenges of climate change and resource scarcity require macroeconomic as well as microeconomic responses. In fact, there is a need to develop a fully consistent “ecological macroeconomics” in which it is possible to maintain economic stability, ensure full employment and yet remain within the ecological constraints and resource limits of a finite planet.

This task — to develop an ecological macroeconomics — is the one we set ourselves three years ago. Working together from clear first principles, we began to build our Green Economy Macroeconomic Model and Accounts (GEMMA) framework. The fundamental building blocks of our approach were three-fold.

First, we wanted our model to reflect accurately the basic structure of the real economy — that is, to provide an account of incomes, spending, investment, taxation, demography and the structure of industry consistent with the United Nations System of National Accounts for any given country. Second, we wanted our framework to make a full and proper account of the ecological and resource constraints on the global economy — as they applied at the scale of the national economy. Finally, we wanted our model to incorporate a consistent description of the financial economy, including the supply of money from and to economic actors, and the effect of the money supply on both nominal and real demand. An ecological macroeconomics must show us not only how much investment is needed, for instance, in order to reach ecological goals, but also how that investment is to be financed.

This last goal was particularly important in the wake of the financial crisis. One of the main shortcomings of conventional economics was its failure to anticipate the impact of fragile balance sheets on the stability of the economy. In fact, most conventional economic models virtually ignore the balance sheet structure of the national economy, in spite of warnings by some far-sighted economists of its importance for economic stability.


Tim Jackson and Peter Victor’s final CIGI-INET report is Developing a Demographic Sub-model and an Input-Output Structure for the Green Economy Macro-Model and Accounts (GEMMA) Framework.


Tim Jackson is Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey and Director of the Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group. From 2004 to 2011 he was Economics Commissioner on the UK Sustainable Development Commission, where his work culminated in the publication ofProsperity without Growth.  

Peter Victor is Professor in Environmental Studies at York University. He is an economist who has worked on environmental issues for over 40 years as an academic, consultant and public servant. His book Managing without Growth was published in 2008. In 2011, he was awarded Canada Council’s prestigious Molson Prize.


Overview of new economic models by Michel de Kemmeter from S-Economy – UHDR Universecity UniverseCity

An overview of the economic models under development, in testing mode, in practice or in its idea phase. An evolving list updated by Michel de Kemmeter from UHDR UniverseCity on what these models represent, why they are new, where it started, where they add value and which issues it tempts to resolve. Together with reference sites and key indicators.

What the f..k is new economy ?

What the f..k is new economy ? – click for full article


  1. Market-based debt economy
  2. Circular economy
  3. Knowledge economy
  4. Social entrepreneurship – social economy
  5. Informal complementary economy and local barter
    – Complementary economies
    – With complementary currencies
    – Black market
    – Volunteer work
    – Barter
  6. Gift Econom
  7. Performance or Functional Service econom
  8. Sustainable Development or Green Economy
  9. Blue Economy
  10. Sharing Economy, collaborative economy, collaborative consumtion or coöperation capitalism
  11. Swarm Economy
  12. Asset-based Economy
  13. Transition Economy
  14. Long Tail Economy
  15. Co-operation Economy
  16. Agorism, Counter-Economics, Economic secession
  17. Ethical Economy
  18. Quantum economics
  19. Purple Economy
  20. S-Economy economical paradigm where 2 aspects are crossed: the notion of ecosystem of stakeholders (instead of linear models), and the notion of value balance sheets on 7 levels (instead of only one value measuring balance sheet: 7D-Value algorythm)
  21. ecoNVERGE/@Econologics Econological Lattice Model & Germane Progressive Economics

Other initiatives of change:

  • Breakthrough Capitalism
  • Prosperous Communities
  • Impact Investing
  • Collaborative Consumption
  • Hyperconnectivity
  • Alternative measures of success
  • Alternative financing
  • Conscious Capitalism
  • B-Corporations & B-Business

12 ways to leverage transition : how a mosquito can nick a dinosaur

Let the value flow through yourself, up and down through the organisation, so it adds strength and resilience.

– by Michel de Kemmeter at S Economy – UHDR Universecity


Uhdr UniverseCity blog

How to manage healthy transition – from the world of our parents to the world of our children ?

1. Do with, no fight against : Insert doubt into hypnotic beliefs
2. Your presence is impact – feel and measure it : seek for light & team up – find usual suspects
3. Accept everything and let go
4. Make a planetary scan of new entrants and emerging value
5. Test with the most demanding stakeholders, even small or underdog : connect resources and needs into projects serving common good
6. Detect areas where business is dying and others where business is emerging in connex areas
7. Make your business case – A good idea is not enough. Its like preparing the earth and planting the seed right, watering it right.
8. Listen, talk, work, live and project goals with your heart
9. Qualify and Quantify immaterial assets and immaterial liabilities
10. Alchemize liabilities together
11. Breathe value up and down, and around you : create multiple value streams
12. Every heart that opens, every track that becomes viable, is automatically and unconsciously send « into the cloud »

We are all connected. You are not alone. Everything you thing, every feeling or intuition goes into a cloud, and “egregore”, like your emaile or facebook groups who “think alike”. You can plus into those to tap energy and information. So, to change the world, send positive emotions, happyness, and constructive ideas into the ether, instead of complaints, anger, hate, depression, or hopelessness.

This is how Ghandi was right: become the change you want to see around you.


From Ego-system to Eco-system – Leading from the Emerging Future!

The problem with capitalism originates between our ears!
– by Otto Scharmer of Theory-U and Presencing Institute brings the best-ever overview of requirements of the Transition Narrative (ecoNVERGE / @ Econologics) for humanity to evolve to a new Paradigm Shift.

Otto Schramer

The root cause of today’s global crises originates between our ears


Profound personal, societal and global renewal is not only possible; it is crucial for our planetary future. What is needed are change makers willing to lead from the emerging future; leaders who are willing to learn about and practice the journey from ego-system to eco-system economies. We have the places, living examples, frameworks and tools in hand. Now what we need is the co-creative vision and the common will to bringing it into reality.

10 insights from our new book Leading From the Emerging Future: From Ego-system to Eco-system Economies

We live in an age of profound disruption. Global crises, such as finance, food, fuel, water, resource scarcity and poverty challenge just about every aspect of society. Yet, this disruption also brings the possibility of profound personal, societal and global renewal. We need to stop and ask: Why do we collectively create results nobody wants? What keeps us locked into the old ways of operating? And what can we do to transform these root issues that keep us trapped in the patterns of the past?

1) The root cause of today’s global crises originates between our ears — in our outdated paradigms of economic thought

A structural disconnect between:

  • the infinite growth imperative and the finite resources of planet earth;
  • between the Haves and the Have Nots;
  • between the financial and the real economy;
  • between technology and real societal needs;
  • between institutional leadership and people;
  • between gross domestic product (GDP) and actual well-being;
  • between governance mechanisms and the voiceless in our systems; and
  • between actual ownership forms and best societal use of property.


Three Levels Symptoms Systemic Disconnects Paradigms of Economic Thought

Three Levels: Symptoms; Systemic Disconnects; Paradigms of Economic Thought

2) The blind spot of modern economic thought can be summarized with a single word: consciousness
3) The evolution of the economy and of modern economic thought mirrors the footprints of an evolving human consciousness

The stages of economic development that come with them:

  • 1.0 Organizing around centralized coordination
  • 2.0 Organizing around decentralized coordination
  • 3.0 Organizing around special interest group driven coordination
  • 4.0 Organizing around commons

4) To paraphrase Einstein, the problem with today’s capitalism is that we are trying “to solve problems with the same consciousness that created them”
5) Helping stakeholder systems shift their way of operating from ego-system to eco-system awareness is the central leadership challenge of our time
6) The shift from ego-system to eco-system awareness requires a journey that involves walking in the shoes of other stakeholders and attending to the three instruments of inner knowing: open mind, open heart, and open will


Theory U: One Process, Three Instruments (Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will)

Theory U: One Process, Three Instruments (Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will)


The effectiveness of accessing these three instruments depends on the ability to deal with the sources of resistance (“three enemies”):

  • VoJ (Voice of Judgment): The VoJ shuts down the Open Mind by habitually judging self and others. All creativity techniques start with somehow suspending the VoJ.
  • VoC (Voice of Cynicism): The VoC shuts down the Open Heart by offering an easy alternative to making oneself vulnerable. The problem with that easy exit is that it does the same thing as the VoJ: it blocks one’s opening process for accessing the deeper sources of creativity.
  • VoF (Voice of Fear): The VoF tends to shut down the Open Will by not letting go but holding on to old identities, ideologies, and Us vs. Them belief structures.

7) Addressing the current global crisis at its root calls for a 4.0 update of the economic operating system through reframing eight “acupuncture points” of the global economic system

They are:

  1. Nature: Close the feedback loop of production, consumption, reuse, and recycling through “earth-to-earth” or closed-loop design.
  2. Labor: Close the feedback loop from work (jobs) to Work (passion) by building infrastructures that foster and ignite inspired entrepreneurship.
  3. Capital: Close the feedback loop of capital by redirecting speculative investment into ecological, social, and cultural-creative renewal.
  4. Technology: Close the feedback loop from technology creation to societal needs in underserved communities through needs assessment and participatory planning.
  5. Leadership: Close the feedback loop from leadership to the emerging future of the whole through practices of co-sensing, co-inspiring, and co-creating.
  6. Consumption: Close the feedback loop from economic output to the well-being of all through conscious, collaborative consuming and through new well-being indicators such as GNH (Gross National Happiness).
  7. Coordination: Close the feedback loop in the economy from the parts to the whole through ABC (awareness-based collective action).
  8. Ownership: Close the feedback loop from ownership rights to the best societal use of assets through shared ownership and commons-based property rights that safeguard the interests of future generations.
Eight Acupuncture Points of Transforming Capitalism to 4.0

Eight Acupuncture Points of Transforming Capitalism to 4.0


8) Shifting the system to 4.0 requires a threefold revolution

Inversion means turning inside-out and outside-in:

  • Individual inversion means to open up thinking (open mind), feeling (open heart), and will (open will) in order to learn to act as an instrument for the future that is wanting to emerge.
  • Relational inversion means to open up communicative relationships from downloading (conforming) and debate (defending) to dialogue (reflective inquiry) and collective creativity (flow) in order to tune as groups into the field of the future.
  • Institutional inversion means to open traditional institutional geometries of power from 1.0 and 2.0 forms of coordinating and organizing — centralized hierarchy and decentralized competition — to 3.0 and 4.0 forms of coordinating around co-creative stakeholder relationships in eco-systems that generate well-being for all.
The Matrix of Social Evolution (all system levels, all structures of attention)

The Matrix of Social Evolution (all system levels, all structures of attention)

the three transformations for the individual (column 1), the relational (column 2) and the institutional inversion (column 3 and 4) in the form of a Matrix of Social Evolution that integrates all system levels (micro-meso-maco-mundo) and all structures of awareness (1.0 to 4.0).
9) We need new types of innovation infrastructures in order to build collective leadership capacities on a massive scale

These infrastructures will include:

  • Co-initiating: Creating spaces for convening stakeholders around a shared eco-system
  • Co-sensing: Going to the places of most potential and observing with one’s mind and heart wide open
  • Co-inspiring: Creating spaces for connecting to the sources of creativity and self
  • Co-creating: Creating spaces for exploring the future by doing (prototyping)
  • Co-shaping: Creating spaces for embodying and scaling the new through practices

10) The shift from an ego-system to an eco-system economy requires a global movement that needs to be supported by a new leadership school. That school should create collaborative platforms across sectors, systems, and generations and work through integrating science, art, and the practice of profound, awareness-based change

Such a new leadership school would be a home base for the emerging global movement of 4.0-related transformation journeys. At the same time, it would prototype a 21st century action university that integrates three forms of knowledge:

  • technical knowledge (know-what),
  • practical knowledge (know-how) and
  • transformation knowledge (know-who: self knowledge).


An Ego-2-Eco Transformation Leadership School—A Set of Global Acupuncture Points

An Ego-2-Eco Transformation Leadership School—A Set of Global Acupuncture Points


Set of principles that are essential for this type of school and which are designed for global-local replication:

  1. Engage systems at all levels and states: Engage systems by using the entire Matrix of Social Evolution.
  2. Engage all levels of intelligence: Integrate open mind (IQ: intellectual knowledge), open heart (EQ: emotional and relational knowledge), and open will (SQ: self knowledge).
  3. Systems Thinking: Integrate methods and tools derived from 30 years of organizational learning research and practice. 
  4. MOOCs: Use massive open online courses that combine course delivery with interactive personal, small-group dialogue and the presence of a global community of change makers that effects transformative change.
  5. Deep immersion: Use deep dive learning journeys and generative listening practices in order to connect communities and places of most potential.
  6. Science 2.0: Use scientific methods that let the “data talk to you.” The challenges of this century involve extending the concept of science beyond looking exclusively at exterior data (third-person view). We need to bend the beam of scientific observation back upon the observer in order to investigate the more subtle levels of experience of the second- and first-person view.
  7. Presencing: Use practices that allow leaders to sense and actualize the emerging future and to clarify the two root questions of creativity: Who is my Self? What is my Work?
  8. Power of Intention: Focus on the capacity to connect with the deeper intention of one’s journey, connecting us more deeply with one another, the world and ourselves.
  9. Prototyping: Link head, heart, and hand in order to create living examples and prototypes that allow us to explore the future by doing.
  10. Power of Place: Complement the massive expansion of online learning with an equally massive global network of vibrant entrepreneurial hubs that focus on activating co-sensing and co-creating as a gateway for unleashing entrepreneurial potential. Great innovations happen in places. Learning how to design and hold spaces for reflection, generative conversation, and system-wide transformation is a mission critical capacity today.

New economy types explained! – Applied Systemic Economy

“The economy is not able to grasp the complexity of the world only by models ” – Olivier Blanchard

A market-based economy is where goods and services are produced without obstruction or interference, and exchanged according to demand and supply between participants (economic agents) by barter or a medium of exchange with a credit or debit value accepted within the network, such as a unit of currency and at some free market or market clearing price.
The sole intention is the maximisation of shareholders value.
It is boosted by creation of debt by the banking system.




1. Circular economy

The circular economy is a generic term for an industrial economy that is, by design or intention, restorative and in which materials flows are of two types, biological nutrients, designed to re-enter the biosphere safely, and technical nutrients, which are designed to circulate at high quality without entering the biosphere.

2. Knowledge economy

The knowledge economy is the use of knowledge technologies (such as knowledge engineering and knowledge management) to produce economic benefits as well as job creation.

3. Social entrepreneurship – social economy

Social economy refers to a third sector in economies between the private sector (business) and the public sector (government). It includes organizations such as cooperatives, nonprofit organizations, and charities.
The social economy spans economic activity in the community, voluntary and social enterprise sectors. The economic activity, like any other economic sector, includes: employment, financial transactions, the occupation of property, pensions, trading, etc.
The social economy usually develops because of a need to find new and innovative solutions to issues (whether they are socially, economically or environmentally based) and to satisfy the needs of members and users which have been ignored or inadequately fulfilled by the private or public sectors.

4. Informal complementary economy and local barter

Complementary economies are systems where exchange of goods and services take place, outside official circuits.
– With complementary currencies : the products and servces are paid for with mutual or local currencies. Most of the time they are « soft currencies », and are tolerated by the government for their social added value. But there are « hard » complementary currencies, integrated in the accounting system, like C3 or WIR in Switzerland.
– Black market : illegal trading, or outside balance sheets and accounting
– Volunteer work : people working for the common good wiothout waiting any payments ; it’s a gift economy.
– Barter : is a system of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is distinguishable from gift economies in that the reciprocal exchange is immediate and not delayed in time. It is usually bilateral, but may be multilateral (i.e., mediated through barter organizations) and usually exists parallel to monetary systems in most developed countries, though to a very limited extent. Barter usually replaces money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis, such as when the currency may be either unstable (e.g., hyperinflation or deflationary spiral) or simply unavailable for conducting commerce.

5. Gift Economy:

A gift economy, gift culture or gift exchange is a mode of exchange where valuables are given without an explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards.

6. Performance or Functional Service economy

Performance or Functional Service economy replaces the sales of a good into a service or integrated solution answering the same features, or more, whilst using less resources and energy, creating positive social and environmental externalities. Under some conditions, it is an exchange modality which allows a better integration of sustainable development to the economy.

7. Sustainable Development

Sustainable development refers to a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while ensuring the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

8. Blue Economy

potential benefits in connecting and combining seemingly disparate environmental problems with open-source scientific solutions based upon physical processes common in the natural world, to create solutions that are both environmentally beneficial and which have financial and wider social benefits.

9. Sharing Economy, collaborative economy or coöperation capitalism

The sharing economy refers to economic and social systems that enable shared access to goods, services, data and talent. These systems take a variety of forms but all leverage information technology to empower individuals, corporations,non-profits and government with information that enables distribution, sharing and reuse of excess capacity in goods and services.A common premise is that when information about goods is shared, the value of those goods increases, for the business, for individuals, and for the community.

10. Asset-based Economy

Asset-based economy refers to a post-industrial macroeconomic state of capitalism in which growth is based largely on appreciation of equity assets, typically financial instrumentssuch as stocks, as well as real estate.

11. Transition Economy

A transition economy or transitional economy is an economy which is changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market.Transition economies undergo economic liberalization, where market forces set prices rather than a central planning organization. In addition to this trade barriers are removed, there is a push to privatize state-owned businesses and resources, and a financial sector is created to facilitate macroeconomic stabilization and the movement of private capital.

12. Long Tail Economy

The term long tail has gained popularity in recent times as describing the retailing strategy of selling a large number of unique items with relatively small quantities sold of each – usually in addition to selling fewer popular items in large quantities.

13. Co-operation Economy

Co-operative economics is a field of economics, socialist economics, co-operative studies, and political economy, which is concerned with co-operatives.

14. Agorism, Counter-Economics, Economic secession

A libertarian social philosophy that advocates the goal of the bringing about of a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, thus engaging in a manner with aspects of peaceful revolution.
The Counter-Economy is the sum of all non-aggressive Human Action which is forbidden by the State. Counter-economics is the study of the Counter-Economy and its practices. The Counter-Economy includes the free market, the Black Market, the “underground economy,” all acts of civil and social disobedience, all acts of forbidden association (sexual, racial, cross-religious), and anything else the State, at any place or time, chooses to prohibit, control, regulate, tax, or tariff. The Counter-Economy excludes all State-approved action (the “White Market”) and the Red Market (violence and theft not approved by the State).
Economic secession has been variously defined by sources. In its narrowest sense, it is abstention from the state’s economic system – for instance by replacing the use of government money with barter, Local Exchange Trading Systems, or commodity money (such as gold).

15. Ethical Economy

Ethical Economy introduces to ethical economics and interprets the begin of a new, radically different economic system in which production is mainly collaborative and social, and in which the value is based on the quality of social interactions and relationships rather than on the quantity of productive time.

16. Quantum economics

Bank money is indisputably the starting point of Bernard Schmitt’s analysis. Referring to double-entry bookkeeping, he shows that the emission of money is an instantaneous event taking place every time a payment is carried out by banks. Since no positive asset can be created out of nothing, quantum economists maintain that, far from being a net asset, money is a purely numerical vehicle issued by banks in a circular flow defining its instantaneous creation and destruction. Money is therefore nothing more than a means of payment, a numerical vehicle through which payments are conveyed from purchaser to seller and whose existence in chronological time coincides with that of the payment it conveys: a mere instant.

17. Systemic economy

An economical paradigm where 2 aspects are crossed: the notion of ecosystem of stakeholders (instead of linear models), and the notion of value balance sheets on 7 levels (instead of only one value measuring balance sheet: 7D-Value algorythm).
The projects, companies or ventures are all based on contributing to “common good” (instead of only to shareholders value).

Another big depression is inevitable! – Steve Keen on BBC HARDtalk

Avoiding through: right off the debts, bankrupt the banks, nationalize the financial system – START ALL OVER AGAIN!


Steve Keen on BBC HARDtalk1

Sarah Montague talks to Steve Keen, one of the few economists to have predicted the global financial crisis, about the possibility of another Great Depression, and how to avoid it.

‘Another Great Depression is all but inevitable’ – that’s the view of Steve Keen. He’s been called the ‘Merchant of Gloom’, but he’s one of the few economists to have predicted the global financial crisis. While he used to be a lone voice in challenging the economic consensus, more and more people are now listening to him. His way of avoiding depression? Write off the debt, bankrupt the banks, nationalise the financial system, and start all over again. He talks to Sarah Montague.


Capitalism is not dead! It has been ill-gotten because of wrong interpretation of what capitalism stood! We have to listen to the evolutionary economists (post-Kenyans to understand that capitalism is still or still has the creativity to resolve itself).


We can no longer just relax!

The system has failed, not the individuals!

We need to resolve a financial mistake which has been going on for 40 years…

Debts that cannot be repaid will not be repaid!

Parasitic banks can no longer be kept alive!

The enormous spectacular crisis being build-up and ongoing – non-stoppable – may lead to the unavoidable chaos, unless we stand up, bold enough, and make the changes happen.

As we are missing a political charisma in the current, neither on the horizon, it will be up to the people to stand up and demand for the urgent reform!


Steve Keen on BBC HARDtalk2


The national debts of a majority of countries will take at least 20 years to be absorbed! Most Western countries have debt/GDP ratios of 90 to 250%. Humanity cannot take this burden anylonger!

Part of the debt jubilee has to include the debts of the individual people, not just governments and financial institutions!

Japan has been the living proof for already 2 lost decades, maintaining debt. We need to write off ALL debt as society can no longer survive, let stand thrive on current ill-gotten debt-capitalism. The CREDIT-system has FAILED!


WE SHOULD ALL COME ON THE STREET! global OCCUPY is becoming unavoidable!

Unchain the monsters slipped into capitalism!


Instability in capitalism is part of why capitalism is creative – capitalism has to resolve its own down-turn into lasting resolutions, promoting the creative instabilities, avoiding the financial destructive instabilities of capitalism.


  • the debt ratio has exponentially risen above income levels
  • the big crisis may lead to increasing violence
  • we can not accept a trap like this for society = a lost generation or more
  • very bad social outcomes will be dreadful
  • the occupy movement will expand progressively left and right, absorbing the center and across classes, job-categories and across all ages, not just youth
  • the occupy movement has to go to the source, such as the university economics departments, financial institutions, …
  • for the young and new generations, but also everyone else will more and more feel betrayed by society as is
  • opposing to capitalism that parasites itself and draws society into collapse, as we cannot absorb the debt we have and are continuing to create
  • old solutions do no longer work as the debt mountain is interconnected across layers of society, not just the financial sector, but also into mutual funds, pension funds, … each civilian is carrying reality of the debt pile – no way out anylonger to ignore!
  • good debt approaches to gain on investments, productivity, technological advancements and people’s comfort can remain untouched, but debt creation based on gambling on rising asset pricing (shares, housing, … financial trading instruments) has to be stopped


We need to go to a harmonious society (not like the old fashioned socialist style), overthrowing capitalism and regain a society we can all trust in!


There is an essential need for political and other leaders to reverse the vision and approach from the creditors to the debtors. Politicians need to start listening to what is really breaking society as we have known it. It is becoming a dead END for politicians to be re-elected at current speed and continuation of the crisis.


Steve Keen on BBC HARDtalk3


Financial institutions in the future can only focus on the core business of providing loans and funds for industry investments and operational loans and a small portion towards private loans for consumption.

Preventing more asset-bubbles being created, through the marketing process of lending by banks.


An intelligent modern jubilee on debt has to happen in a systemic approach, by which to increase government created money and decrease the level of debt finance in the economy! Writing off private debts through raising government money creation and rather than given it to the financial sector (that has been proven ineffective), give it to the debtors. Personal debt is the first to be eliminated!


Implementing the systemic working process of debt write-off has to include regulations to no longer allow for banking operations to include Ponzi-scemes – no longer allowing to gamble with money, which has caused assets to rise beyond proportion (= parasitic behaviour of the banking sector in the past 40 years).


Charged Up – How the Fracking Industry’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future!


February 2013 report by retired geo-scientist J. David Hughes and published by the Post Carbon Institute which claims to debunk the possibility that unconventional fuels might turn the United States into an energy-independent petro-state.

The report forms the foundation for Heinberg’s new book, Snake Oil: How the Fracking Industry’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future

Heinberg 0


He talks about the implications of a fracking-fueled petro-boom from North Dakota to Pennsylvania that’s got U.S. energy executives crowing about abundant fossil-fuel-derived energy to last the next century or two.

It’s a claim that directly flouts the concept of peak oil—the point at which global petroleum production goes into terminal decline—and Heinberg’s assertion that growth (as we know it) is headed into irreversible decline.

“We’re really being sold a bill of goods,” Heinberg says, handing over a copy of the Hughes report, “Drill, Baby, Drill: Can Unconventional Fuels Usher in a New Era of Energy Abundance?” Using data provided by a Texas company called DI Desktop, which analyzed production data for 65,000 fracked wells from 31 shale plays, the report examines natural gas as a commodity. According to their findings, production rates at many of these sites are already in decline. Operators then must drill more and more to keep overall production steady, and with that comes increased energy needs, making the whole endeavor more expensive.

Aside from fracking, methane hydrates—the trapped natural gas molecules currently being scouted by Japanese research vessels and found in abundance on the sea floor—have been heralded as the next frontier. The speculative fossil-fuel goldmine forms the basis for Charles C. Mann’s May 2013 cover story for The Atlantic with the headline that declared, with the impact of a lightning storm in summer, “We Will Never Run Out of Oil.”

But then there’s the problem of net energy, Heinberg points out. “The vast majority of those resources we won’t burn for economic reasons,” Heinberg says, “because it just costs too much—not only investment capital, but it costs too much energy to get the stuff out of the ground to use it.” It’s a concept defined as EROEI—energy return on energy invested.


Heinberg 1


“As time has gone on and as I’ve studied the data, I’ve come to realize that it’s more of a process, not just falling off the cliff,” he explains.

Part of the process, for those not involved in the higher echelons of government and society where policy decisions are decided, is to live consciously.

Heinberg looks to be a man in his element, negotiating a careful balance between the heavy realization that life as we know it is headed for irrevocable change, and the simple joy of everyday living.

If humans look honestly at the crisis at hand, begin sharing, using less, being nice to each other, there’s no reason we can’t have a perfectly acceptable future, he tells me. But that means facing facts. To make a true transition, the technical piece would be relatively easy, he explains; it involves building lots of solar and wind, prioritizing electric rail and redesigning cites for walking and bicycling. Heinberg mentions his admiration of the Transition Town movement, which started in the United Kingdom and uses permaculture concepts to build resilience in communities to weather gracefully the coming economic and environmental upheavals.

Heinberg 2


Of most concern is whether the “fossil fuel” industry is successful in making people believe that there’s enough oil and gas to keep us going for another century, in the style in which we’ve become accustomed, he emphasizes. The oil boom in North Dakota (and elsewhere) is going to be short-lived, but it’s bought us some time—a few short years—to get to work on renewables.

“If we use that time—maybe it’s five or 10 years—to really invest in renewable energy and conservation, than so much the better,” he says. “But if we just take those five or 10 years and delay what we ultimately have to do anyway, at the end we’ll be in a much worse position than we already are.”


Building frames to face the challenges on our journey!


“Decide before you get seduced!” – Jennifer Sertl


Be open to new ways, away from your traditional thinking – thinking without the box enables you to establish alternative paths to overcome the challenges faced.


Jennifer Sertl interview part 1


Interview with Jennifer Sertl
Co-Author of “Strategy, Leadership and the Soul” and

Founder, President at Agility3R = Resilience, Responsiveness and Reflection


Jennifer Sertl
Jennifer highlights: Our competitive advantage is not what we do or where we work but the accuracy with which we scan the macro (meta analysis) and the physical actions we (can) take as part of the shift.


note: the following is a review of the interview and does not always represent in full the wordings used in the conversations, sometimes providing a reflection of the thoughts expressed and anticipated.


Jennifer mentions Thomas Friedman‘s ‘The World is Flat!’ as the basis for her journey – so was mine, I just wished he had written it 10 years earlier
For those who have missed the past 8 years, we suggest to read this book or read it again – for young and old, students and parents, any generation. Thomas Friedman has established the roots and highlighted clear guidelines for how to become resilient with the changing times – back in 2005 (2nd edition).
He can be recognized as the Father of Thrivability

Thanks Michael L. Hartsell / Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation for Open Technology) for enabling and sharing the value in the message carried to your circle of connectedness!



Building frames to absorb the complexity!


Jennifer Sertl interview part 1

Existence is prior to essence: an environment impacts the behaviour of people and we should appreciate the strength in the ties we have in our connectedness, visible or invisible.
Collectively, individuals can make an impact for the whole!

Being attentive to the shifts taking place in our environment, means you can identify your place and role being part of the shift. Through your connectedness, one can be integral part of the shift in your environment – whether that is your immediate circle of connectedness, such as family, friends and colleagues, or local or even global.

To break the complexity of challenges faced, identify patterns (use your curiosity). Once you pass that stage you can leverage through design in frameworks to facilitate the change needed for self and your environment.

Challenging realities guides respect in a trusted environment.



How to behave in new style vs old style corporations!


Jennifer Sertl interview part 2

Businesses learn to cooperate together which creates a whole new dimension of possibilities, thinking and problem solving.

Along the way companies need to seek closer alignment to what matters and how decisions come about.

In new style companies, employees are no longer just part of the assigned function, but become project-based consultants in their expertise to the rest of the cross-functional team (avoiding the silo behaviour).

Collaboration within teams also becomes more borderless and drives the alertness to know when to lead and when to follow.


Remain or refocus on the original entrepreneurial spirit and visions is essential to remain creative at the forefront and keep or gain market share, potentially become a new trendsetter within the industry.



The economy – the expectations!


The end of growth as we knew it, is a fait-a-compli – we need to accept this and find ways to look at different ways of bringing value to our motivations to progress.

From the great disruption to the great distribution, we need to evolve from a source to a conduit, whereby we act as channels of information in which we are not an owner or expert, rather have the ability to distribute it – with potentially added or changed information relevant to own expertise and what is needed by the receiver. That approach stimulates the collaborative economy, in which we need to move away from individuality and individual contributors, focusing on the throughput, not just as individual contributors but as a collaborative effort, part of the whole process.

The biggest inhibitor / contributor to our success right now is nostalgia and enabling clustered knowledge through connecting people. Value comes forth from the collective US, our combined talents. Our collective thinking is the new ‘know’!



How to be a conduit, a connector!


Jennifer Sertl interview part 3

Knowledge convergence and knowledge clusters will lead to global innovation in ways that never happened before.

The issue of information overload is no longer an existing dilemma; rather filter failure is what is holding us up. What and how to filter through and to whom – the recipient. For this to function, corporations and people, teams, collaborative groups, … need to establishes their essential themes which drive their information adaptability, their processes activated and the decisions taken, ensuring no seduction from outside those set/agreed themes.

Decide before you get seduced!

The approach to impact behaviour by corporations to their markets (consumers) needs revision and taken away from the idea that marketing allows manipulating people consumption behaviour in which they buy what they don’t need, with money they don’t have, just because of anticipating greater happiness or satisfaction then what you have so far.

The seduction is all around us and we are impacted by our environment and the collective thinking and behaviour.

How many MBA’s does it take – who have the ability of systems thinking – to get us out of the financial crisis. Most of them are trumped in their own thinking, influenced – seduced – by the collective manifestation of the environment.


In conclusion

To be part of an environment where there is value creation in collaboration we can thrive as individuals and as humanity as a whole.




Jennifer Sertl (US) is a thought leader in the emerging field of corporate consciousness, where she uses the convergence of Neuroscience and Existential Philosophy fostering inspiration and subsequently creating strategic advantage and enhancing value. She is an internationally respected author, keynote speaker and the president and founder of Agility3R an organizational effectiveness company which primarily focuses upon the optimization of customer value by aligning corporate objectives with the individuals responsible for delivering results. 

Layne Hartsell (US) is a researcher in the philosophy of ethics and technology, and teaches and does research in health science/biomedicine. Current research covers nanotechnology for developing countries. He is a partner at the P2P Foundation’s Open Technology Transfer Group and Co-Founder of Seoul Global Study Group.

The Role of Business in Building Sustainable Organizations and Society! – by Peter M. Senge

We will either ALL make it or NONE of us will make it !

The essential difference between CSR and sustainability, and how businesses have to urgently think long-term strategy in order to sustain existence!


Senge 1


How people can live in harmony with their environment has always been an issue.

People start to see that we will not be able to continue to live the way we have been living!

The way we live and in a time we are so connected, we are actually so disconnected from the reality.


For the first time in history of humanity, we are starting to be part of the earth system, people are shaping the planet!


Not only people but also the corporate world is accepting that a swift change is mandatory!

More and more businesses and societies are awakening to this historic challenge.


Senge 4


The big 3 systems that shape civilization:

– Food and water

– Energy and transport

– Materials footprint



Industries like the food sector will have to strategically change their story and adapt their strategy to remain in business.

The social and environmental imbalances are essential for strategic inclusion in business strategy.


Senge 3


When looking at water, the issues are even far greater then we can imagine. By 2030 overpopulated regions in China and India will not be able to provide clean water to 30 to 80% of their population in those regions.


Senge 5


Relative to the energy sector, we are facing a much tougher situation.

– Conservation and energy efficiency are not sufficiently to get our carbon footprint down

– Current RE-mix use is not enough to bring down the CO2 level from 400 to 300

– Reducing energy intensity (e.g.: China’s commitment 40% by 2020 and a reduction to growth expectation)



The material footprint of our consumer world is an embarrassment!


To support the lifestyle of an average person (US) it takes about 1MT of earth materials

95% of what we consume is wasted in the production process and in the end the product itself will get wasted as well.

We need to get away from the industrial linear economy to a circular economy – We need to look at how nature works. There is no waste in nature.

We need to generate value and reuse everything we take from Mother Nature



Senge 2a


Most companies look first at Cost & risk reduction and process efficiency (energy, waste, …) to enable improved shareholder value

Next came – or is in process of realization – Reputation and Legitimacy: re-branding (greening the economy), CSR and sustainability reporting


But there is more we can do and we need to look at tomorrow – the future and the sustainability of our businesses, through:


Innovation and Repositioning:

– Innovators don’t always have a full business plan ready. They are driven by passion and know there is a business opportunity down the line

– To make progress companies and their leaders need to join together in collaboration

– spearhead the technology and bring to market with a long-term profitability strategy


Growth push and Trajectory:

– Collaborative Competition: competition = (from Latin) striving together

– Being involved and at the forefront guarantees companies for long term sustainability / existence (competitive market share)

– Think more long-term to be and remain competitive



We will either ALL make it or NONE of us will make it into the next century!


We will not just have to collaborate amongst competitors and industries, but also across borders.

End the use of fossil-based industry and consumer market!

To achieve the goals, we need to be or have an:

– Open mind

– Open heart

– Open will


Building an Enduring Environmental Movement!

by Resilience.org

Building  a world of resilient communities


The current focus of environmentalism leaves little hope of successfully defeating the ecologically destructive political, economic, and cultural forces that undermine the very foundations of life. It will require a dramatic reboot if the movement is going to reverse Earth’s rapid transformation and help create a truly sustainable future—or at least help humanity get through the ugly ecological transition that most likely lies ahead.

Are Today’s Environmental Organizations Succeeding?


SOW13 Cover HiRes_5



Many campaigns focus on treating environmental problems rather than addressing their roots, and they typically do so in ways that fail to build an alternative vision for a species not in a permanent state of conflict with the planet.

What is more, most environmental organizations, including Worldwatch Institute, receive funding from affluent donors, foundations, and corporations that depend on a growing economy to keep their endowments robust enough to continue their philanthropy. Ironically, if environmental groups actually succeed in building a sustainable, equitable, steadystate economy, there is a good chance that their donors’ philanthropic giving would shrink as wealth is better distributed and as stock markets stop growing. And if environmentalists fail in their mission, there’s also a good chance the economy will contract: a 2012 report by DARA International projects that gross domestic product worldwide will shrink 3.2 percent a year by 2030 if climate change and air pollution are not dealt with. A shrinking economy is rarely a boon to philanthropy.


Getting from Vision to Reality!


The odds are that the state of the world is going to get really bad—and much sooner than we think. Reports about the fallout from climate change alone make it clear that the twenty-first century is unlikely to follow a linear path of more growth, more progress, more “development.” There are probably going to be major political, social, and economic disruptions, a flood of failing states, the dislocation of millions of people. Will people in environmental organizations simply close their doors as things unravel, as their funding dries up, and turn instead to simply surviving—taking any job still available in order to feed their families? Who will serve as a voice for Earth? Who will help steer us through this historically unique global ecological transition? Will it be fundamentalist religious institutions that read the unraveling ecosystems as signs of the end times? Or authoritarian governments that offer security in exchange for the last remnants of freedom?

Let us hope that centuries from now an ecocentric civilization — celebrating its nurturing niche on a once-again flourishing planet—tells stories of the bold individuals and communities that changed humanity’s path in such a glorious way.


[Paradigm Shift]: Paddy Ashdown: The global power shift – Institutional Change!

Paddy Ashdown claims that we are living in a moment in history where power is changing in ways it never has before. In a spellbinding talk he outlines the three major global shifts that he sees coming.

Western power has been enough after 400 years ruling!

The existing vertical hierarchical institutions have to be reformed!




The most important thing you can do is what you can do with others!


1. The Shift in Power runs vertical

Power is moving into the globalization level, no longer politics, but includes now corporations (through their scale of presence and market) and people (through their connectedness).

The issue: no regulations and no institutions that regulate, monitor, guide nor arbitrate this situation leads to chaos and unwanted disruption. Where power goes, governance must follow! Ashdown suggests through treaty based global organisms similar to G20, WTO, … not by adding more institutional power to the UN.


2. The Shift in Power runs horizontal

The upcoming of a multi-polar world – not just directed and orchestrated by Washington.

From fixed alliances to shifting and changing alliances.

From alliances with common values to alliances with common interests.

The end of Western institutions and values is nearing. The West will no longer be able to resolve any situations within its own borders (and/or dump the chaos in its back gardens).


3. Interdependence as nations, people, regions, cultures, …

Everything is connected to anything and we are all interconnected

We are interlocked, even intimate locked to think and act together

We can no longer act alone as nation-states or economic or regional power blocks.

We need to collaborate, share and learn to co-exist among nations, regions and people.

Effects of decisions and acts from outside reflect inside and vice versa as well as within the inside.


Paddy Ashdown - The global power shift

TED Presentation – Paddy Ashdown – The Global Power Shift!


The paradigm shift of our era is the

change of the network = the institutions

the capacity to network = internally and externally




The most important thing you can do is what you can do with others!

Each share a destiny with the other – friend or enemy, same or different values!

Biomimicry: Value creation requires transforming the business paradigm – Inspired by Nature!



– by Giles Hutchins, author of THE NATURE OF BUSINESS and blogs on ‘business inspired by nature’ at http://www.thenatureofbusiness.org


In a volatile business climate, companies can gain advantage by learning from nature’s rules.


Our current business paradigm has exacerbated the imbalances, tensions and volatility we face today.

“We cannot solve the problems in the world with the same level of thinking that brought them about in the first place.” – Albert Einstein

“Business and industry is the only institution that is large enough, pervasive enough and powerful enough to lead humankind out of this mess.” – Paul Hawken


In times of pressing challenges, in this “perfect storm” of social, economic and environmental volatility, it requires great courage to break rank from a paradigm that is ingrained in our business mindset. Transformational times call for transformational change.


Today’s rapidly changing business environment calls for businesses that thrive in rapidly changing environments: businesses more akin to living systems.


Initiating virtuous cycles of collaboration, innovation and value creation for all stakeholders:

These “firms of the future” can learn and adapt; they are not structured and siloed, which stifles learning and agility. These firms are bottom-up, decentralized, interdependent, multifunctional, emergent, self-organizing units – not the centralized, top-down, hierarchically-managed monoliths of the 20th century.


Redesigning For Resilience drives the transformation to a firm of the future:


  • Drives transformation through values-based leadership and stakeholder empowerment using the catalysts of education, innovation, inspiration and collaboration.
  • Encourages synergies across its business ecosystem, engaging with multiple stakeholders in an open, transparent way; where common values create connections enabling mutualism.
  • Harnesses the power of social networks and the “pull” media; uses crowd sourcing, co-creation, open source collaboration platforms and transparent branding for differentiation.
  • Evolves ecological thinking for innovating and new ways of operating and generating value for every stakeholder within the community it serves; where waste equals food and nature inspires people, processes, products and places.




The new business paradigm is about encouraging business activity at a personal and organizational level that creates conditions conducive to life; no longer tolerating activity which is knowingly toxic to life.




Inspire in balance and harmony with nature!


ecoNVERGE in Yin-Yang

ecoNVERGE® – Inspire ● Harmony ● Balance

| Inspire one – 1x = X1 – motivate many!  WE are Unlimited!
| Interactive Community Building & Econological Lattice Building
| INCISIVE Knowledge Converged© – Ecologically Inspired, Sustainable Disseminated.

Transformational changes in social values, resource needs & technological advances.
Realizing Sustainable Balance in Our Social and Economic Circle of Life! – WE are Unlimited!

We change the way we LIVE! – We change the way of LIFE!
Assimilate sustainable growth! Join our CoPs / Think-Tanks.
Be part of the CHANGE! – PARTICIPATE your change!


ecoNVERGE full logo


• ViVaTicA – Ideas for Life! Soul of Life!
Ecological Balanced Lifestyle – Cultural, Community & Natural Values
Balanced harmony between work, education and leisure!
Live your life! Entertainment for Life & Green Living!
Project Development Initiatives – Econological Balanced Lifestyles


FB picture ViVaTicA



• CAPix – Expanding Horizon!
Moving Knowledge & Solutions Forward!
Assimilate Ingenuity – Productivity Motivated
Cultivate Ingenuity, Facilitate Dynamics, Engage Capacity
Extended Enterprise Econological Sustainable ValueChain Solutions!
– Econologics & Resilience Coaching + CSR + Project Management


CAPix logo FB clear


ecoNVERGE® Interactive COMMUNITIES of Practice (CoP/Think-Tanks)

@ eco-ViVaCity ecologically balanced living! 
@ eco-sTrEAMs innovative future in the make! 
@ eco-Nablefacilitate sustainable growth!
@ marketingVILLAGE your world, our village! 
@ ECONOLOGICS – Incisive Knowledge Converged (FB Group)
@ ecoNVERGE – Econological SUSTAINABLE ValueChain SOLUTIONS (LI Group)


Distributed Capitalism through distributed collaborative knowledge!

Jeremy Rifkin on global issues and the future of our planet!

Jeremy Rifkin2

“This is not a financial crisis or a banks crisis or a deregulated market crisis … that are just the results of the real problem: the delusional debt-based culture of America is the underlying problem and has global impact on production, consumption and welfare. The American consumption behaviour may never come back as the 3rd industrial revolution is on life-support!”

We are going through 3 crises which are feeding from each other:

  • the economic meltdown
  • the energy crisis
  • the real-time impact of climate change: not being able to feed the world

“We may experience a potential demise of our species in 30, 40 years or within a century at the most … and we are really asleep, all across the world!”

Industrial revolutions have been marked through the combination of improvements in knowledge and technology in energy and enhanced means of communication.

We are at the stage where both components are ready for the 3rd industrial revolution:

  • distributed communication is available through all the new technology at the hands of almost everyone on earth
  • distributed energy is ready to withstand the energy crisis

“We continue to underestimate the speed of climate change, because we continue to mis-acknowledge the aftermath of what is happening today and that triggers the next stage. We have to radically change civilization!” – Jeremy Rifkin

The third industrial revolution has to be based on 4 pillars:

  1. the production of renewable energy
  2. the refurbishment of the buildings so that they are responsible for their own energy consumption and reduce their carbon emissions
  3. energy storage to sudden failure of the power grid to prevent
  4. the distribution of energy through smart grids where each user becomes a supplier.

To make this 3rd industrial revolution happen, we need to take the burocratic red tape off, stop investing in stuck 2nd revolution industries and enable financial incentives which stimulate the direction.

“We need to move from geopolitics to biosphere politics, through global consciousness, involving and engaging true global humanity as we are all interdependent and connected, creating an emphatic civilization!” – Jeremy Rifkin

Breakdown, Change-as-usual, Breakthrough! @BreakthroughCap

Breakthrough Capitalism: Business Leaders, Market Revolutions!

 – by John Elkington and Susie Braun – Volans


biz of biz is more then biz



“There’s not one business school with a total grip on this.”

 – Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President, Sustainability and Social Innovation, HP

Business is increasingly critical in tackling the world’s great environmental, social and governance challenges. And at the heart of business sits the C-Suite, the grouping of senior executives who direct the enterprise. Breakthrough is addressed to them – and to those who advise them.

This report reveals both real frustration in business about government failures, and a growing appetite at the leading edge to drive systems-level transformations.

Breakthrough draws on over 100 interviews with key people in the field to sketch a Manifesto and linked agenda to help us move towards that change.

from denial to breakthrough

Three scenarios of how the future could unfold

  1. Breakdown: the almost unremittingly bleak scenario where early experiments fade in the face of wider incomprehension and resistance to change.
  2. As Usual: where earnest efforts are made but overall the outcome is little more than a set of patches of the existing, dysfunctional system.
  3. Breakthrough: Here innovators, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, investors and policy makers dare to create ventures with ambitious targets and then, over time, drive them to change the market and political systems within which they operate.

To push towards Breakthrough outcomes, initiatives need to be:

  • Future ready: Able to work well in a world of 7-going-on-9 billion people, providing affordable access to key products or services, while respecting planetary boundaries
  • Ambitious: Aims to transform key aspects of capitalism, and drive radically better outcomes across the triple bottom line
  • Fair: Helps tackle equity issues, including the transfer of intergenerational debt created by public borrowing, natural resource extraction and environmental destabilization
  • Disruptive: Has potential to constructively disrupt the current economic and/or governance orders, moving the needle from incrementalism to system change.

5-stage model Pathways To Scale

Running from the ‘Eureka!’ moment through to the point where a new way of doing things is endemic across the entire ‘Economy

Pathways to scale

Disruptive change is needed

Some problems can be treated with sticking plasters or acupuncture; others require radical surgery. Too many twentieth century institutions—and even models of activism — are now increasingly unfit for purpose. Among challenges that top the current agenda are new forms of accounting, integrated reporting, and incentives to drive longer-term investment, but disruption will involve many other vectors of change.

Global C-Suite in the three Scenarios:

  • Breakdown: Retrospective or short-term focus: Past priorities; how things were done; preservation
  • Change-as-Usual: Short- to medium term focus: Pragmatic accommodation to current realities; incremental change
  • Breakthrough: Focus on past, present and future: Long-term framing; ‘unreasonable people’; how things will be done; disruption

How to convert the CXO?

It is clear, however, that most CSOs start off in a difficult position. Even where they enjoy direct backing from the CEO, they must cajole different members of the C-Suite to implement relevant ventures within their own functions.

  • Breakdown: CSOs absent — or used as camouflage
  • Change-as-Usual: CSOs pursue incremental targets
  • Breakthrough: CSO stretch agenda, standard for all CXOs

Domains of system change

  1. Changing the numbers: subsidies, taxes and standards: Counter-intuitively, the least effective approach to system change can be trying to change the numbers. Numbers do matter. We must change the financial incentives, across markets and across businesses.
  2. Changing buffers, stocks, flows, delays and feedback loops: Meadows warned us that if you dramatically cut the information and money-transfer delays in the financial system, as IT and dark liquidity pools have done, you would be asking for exactly the sort of wild gyrations we ended up with.
  3. Changing information flows: In many markets, a key problem is that information flows via price signals. By contrast, information flows can help where they feed back into system dynamics in ways that help conserve stocks or maintain flows.
  4. Changing the rules: The rules of a system define its scope, boundaries, and resilience. Rules are often high leverage points, which is why constitutions (which set the rules for writing the rules) are so powerful — and why so much effort is put into lobbying politicians and legislators.
  5. Changing the system’s genetic code: The purpose of a system is crucial in determining its behaviour: if profit maximization is the sole purpose, the results will be very different than if there is a balanced scorecard, shared value or triple bottom line orientation. Leaders who can redefine the purpose of a society or a corporation potentially have a very powerful lever at their disposal. We must now pay much more attention to the genetic code that dictates how organizations and cultures operate. And a key part of that coding is the discipline of economics. Meadows again: “Any system, biological, economic, or social, that gets so encrusted that it cannot self-evolve, a system that systematically scorns experimentation and wipes out the raw material of innovation is doomed over the long term on this highly variable planet” — and, we would add, in fast-changing markets.
  6. Changing paradigms: Ultimately, this is the level at which the potential leverage is greatest, but where the resistance to change is often most intense. From our shared social agreements come our system goals, information flows, stocks, flows and feedback loops. Paradigms can be slow to change, because all those “infected” with an earlier paradigm must retire or die, but they can also flip almost overnight when incontrovertible new evidence crashes in. Ultimate power, however, flows from the ability to stand outside current systems and paradigms. And the ultimate characteristic of system mastery, Meadows concluded, is the capacity to “dance with the system.”

System Change 101

1. Science Breakthrough = new knowledge — and new routes to knowledge

  • Change Breakdown: 6 planets – endless resources assumed
  • Change-as-Usual: 2–3 planets – limits understood, but exceeded
  • Breakthrough: 1 planet – paradigm shift, anthropocene

2.   Activism Breakthrough = taking stands — lobbying for change

  • Change Breakdown: Intergenerational debt – Decreasing returns, debt cascaded
  • Change-as-Usual: Intergenerational equity – Intra- and intergenerational rights
  • Breakthrough: Intergenerational wealth – Creation of increasing, sustainable returns

3.   Institutions Breakthrough = old institutions changing, new ones evolving

  • Change Breakdown: Outsiders – activists shut out, ignored
  • Change-as-Usual: Outliers – activists engaged as lead indicators of change
  • Breakthrough: Insiders – global C-suite calls for market revolutions

4.   Access Breakthrough = an end to systemic inequities

  • Breakdown: Producers – Building a world for the super-rich 1%
  • Change-as-Usual: Consumers – Building a global middle class
  • Breakthrough: Prosumers/Makers – Building better futures for ourselves

5.   Finance Breakthrough = a shift to new types of impact investment

  • Breakdown: Negative externalities – Financial capitalism kills other capitals
  • Change-as-Usual: Reported externalities – Accounting goes multi-capital
  • Breakthrough: Positive externalities – Multi-capital, impact investors

6.   Economics Breakthrough = that economists must recalculate

  • Breakdown: Physics as model – Mechanical view of value creation
  • Change-as-Usual: Internet as model – Growing focus on network effects
  • Breakthrough: Ecology as model – Economies seen as living systems

7.   Culture Breakthrough = experimentation and a willingness to fail

  • Breakdown: Obsessed with past – Works for wealthy 1% of 1-2 billion people
  • Change-as-Usual: Driven by present – Works for 30–40% of 7 billion people
  • Breakthrough: Future focused – Works for growing majority of 9-10 billion people

Breakthrough - a revolution of Capitalism

The question now is whether CEOs and other business leaders will be content to remain part of the problem—or whether they have the will and the audacity to ride the rising Breakthrough wave. It must be our business to ensure they have little choice in the matter.

Breakthrough: Business leaders, market revolutions is available for download.


Breakthrough Capitalism

Current models of capitalism are failing economically, socially and environmentally. As global governance structures weaken, can business be an effective force for change in ensuring a healthy, fair and affordable world for 9 billion people? The Breakthrough Capitalism program explores how business leaders can change the rules, and aims to catalyze the conversations that will make it happen.

More on Breakthrough Capitalism

Breakthrough Capitalism
